Urban Design and Landscape

Green platforms

Parisa Sherafati
Shiraz University
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

How to use and design urban spaces has always been a concern of urban designers. The project integrates social, functional, technological and environmental dimensions and is designed to respond to site constraints. It has solved the impossibility of digging the project and its costs.
The limitations of the plan have been answered through a design solution and by rising in various alignments, which can be removed and added with different depths and considering a palette of variety of plant species with different colors in the site planting plan. These independent boxes provide the possibility of using different fertilizers, irrigation and drainage for different species and determine the planting area for different people. And besides the various aspects that have been considered, the discussion of people's participation and their concern for urban spaces is included in this project to increase social interactions and sense of belonging to the city.
Sustainability includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. With the use of productive plant species, irrigation will be profitable and the possibility of economic exploitation of space will be created for people. The possibility of establishing social interactions has been provided by creating a common ground and the topic of plants and spatial stratification. And in the environmental dimension, the use of productive species improves the city's landscape while being ecologically effective.

Project description

• Removable and replaceable
• Ability to use separately according to different plant species
• Ability to irrigate and fertilize differently
• Use of solar energy
• Combining the presence of people in the city and ecological approaches
• Functional design of urban spaces while being beautiful
• Urban space design with productive and usable plant species
• The possibility of people's participation in urban spaces

Technical information

Green platforms, through a design solution and by rising in various alignments, can be moved and removed and added with different depths and considering a palette of variety of plant species with different colors in the planting plan. These independent boxes provide the possibility of using different fertilizers, irrigation and drainage for different species and determine the planting area for different people. The middle solar panels make a focal point for establishing social interactions and the possibility of exchanging information also provides the energy required for pumps and equipment.

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