

Stratos Sakellariou, Konstantinos
University of Patras, School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Patras

Project idea

BE- TWIN is an innovative Experimental Primary School designed as an extension of the neighboring pre-existing Public High School of Ipsila Alonia. The pedestrianized axis of Zalongou Str is no longer a border between the two schools but a connecting link that creates a single, larger educational block. The building volumes surround the main school yard with classrooms, acting as a metaphor of the typical Greek urban block that is distinguished by the central inner yard (acalyptos), formed between the apartment buildings (polykatoikia). Introverted as it may seem, this typology is adjusted to the openness of the Finnish educational system, thus introducing a new learning environment for the young students.

Project description

A public library with study spaces, an open-air square and roofs that are used for urban cultivation to strengthen the environmental conscience of the youth suggest an educational program that is rich in extra-curricular activities, which can take place in outdoor spaces as well. The new buildings remain open to the public after the school hours in order to create a gravitational node in the neighborhood that will attract not only students but also local residents during the evening time.
This seemingly reserved block showcases the open character of the building program in a way that helps the local community experience the school as a learning space but also as an environment where social interactions take place.

Technical information

Materials used: reinforced concrete, aluminum (window frames and louvers), nanostructured glass with smart properties (e.g., self-cleaning), recyclable materials such as timber and plywood. The building is equipped with LED lights to minimize energy consumption.

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