
Psychometric Assessment Center for Political Leader Under Office National Election Board of Ethiopia

Dagim Gorfu

Project idea

Problem Identification
Conflict Between Ethnic Groups of Ethiopia
Illustrations provided by Human Rights Watch (2014a:20), Amnesty International (2014/15:148), Moresh Wegenie Amhara Organization (2016), and the Human Rights Council (1992–2015) Stated that there were a number of cases of ethnic tension and ethnic cleansing happening in the country.
The above institutions stated Ethiopian ethnic tension from 1992 until now. This long time period tells as the effect of the conflict in social and economic aspect that creates scenarios of famine, emigration, unproductivity, limited future…etc., so ethnic conflict is critical in Ethiopia’s forecasting actions. It affects the whole sustainability of the country. If there is an argument that ethnic conflict is one of the most critical and urgent problem of a Ethiopia then the following variables like external country involvement, conflict between parties, conflict between political individuals and created(design) conflict play major role in the process of identifying the core problem.
Why This Problem?
Now a days Ethiopia is having hard time on preserving her peace. Action like civil war and small-scale conflicts between ethnic groups becomes common in the last few years until now. Conflict in a country is a very detrimental(bad), because conflicts is followed by a long chain of problems. which is poverty, starvations, increasing unemployment rate and so on. Solving the biggest might solve the following.
Problem complexity
External country involvement
Influence the country on behalf their needs
• To be benefited from countries
• Put their own ideology
To killing the competition on areas of politics
• To be on the table with out anyone
To use the resources for their benefit only
• To be benefited from countries
Gain profit by selling conflict equipment
• To be benefited from countries
To change history or make history
• To look better for their upcoming generations
To show their country is better living environment
• To look better from the competition
Being international racist
• Hate
• Am better
Conflict between parties
To put their own propaganda
• To influence for the future
To gain recognition
For finance benefit
To satisfy a specific group7
To build their own chain of command
• More power
To be friend with external countries
Being racist
• Hate
• Am better
Conflict between individuals
Personal ego (Am better)
Financial gain
To not loss a specific group
• More followers - more power
Why they are there and here
• Jealousy – am is better
Created (designed conflict)
To clean some group
To be saver
For steeling resources
Be racist
• Hate
• Am better
Fulfilling other countries need
The core is thinking am better than every one, I should get some thing more than you.
So, it lies on problem of EGO. Ego is the problem responsible for conflicts.
Involved Stakeholders
• External countries – involved through funding the situation or missionaries and diplomacy burden.
• Political parties – direct involvement by designing and implementing the
• Different level administrations – letting the situation to happen without
• Peoples (societies) – is the direct on conflict tool to implement the conflicting actions.
• Media – by releasing false news and misguiding elaborations.
• Military – after the situation happen or happening, the military is the one that tries to control it.
• Low system institutions – the low system institutions are involved through make the right judgment and fear decision
• National election board of Ethiopia – This stakeholder is interesting. It has high level of conflicts preventive power. Since it is in charge of Assessing Political Leader and political leaders are the key of peace.
General Objective
In to consideration of political leader’s value in the conflicts created in Ethiopia. This project mainly works to improve the quality of the leader for future social sustainability.
Specific objective
• To help them understand that how much change is on their hand.
• Increase their probability of working as a team.
• Improve their and mental fitness to have the best social personality.
• Brush up their financial knowledge and how to generate it.

Project description

Project Brief
The project is looking forward to solve the conflict between political leaders in Ethiopian, by examining & treating their personality problem with national election bored of Ethiopia political members qualification system. The objective of the project is to create understanding, formal and informal linkage between, through lowering their ego level. Even though This project is for society peace, it directly targets the political leaders. The core problem that this project fights is political leaders’ strong EGO. Appling psychometric assessment is the way this project uses to decrease the strong Ego.

Technical information

Selected Solution
• Relinquishing control
• Self-communication
• Feeling and hearing
Client Profiling
The National Election Board of Ethiopia is an autonomous federal government agency
which supervises the national elections of Ethiopia and responsible for party’s members
The board has the following duties that relate with this project:
• Registering political parties, following-up and supervising them in accordance
with the law;
• Providing guidelines for the manner in which monetary funds may be divided
among political parties and, in accordance with these guidelines, allocating the
• Determining the manner in which political parties may use media during
• Undertaking studies on how to divide electoral regions and present a
recommendation to the House of Federation on the basis of those studies;
• Certifying neutrality and freedom of electoral officers and also protecting them
from any influence that they may come under in relation to their work;
• Coordinating a joint forum of political parties;
• Certifying and officially announcing election results;
• Providing administrative relief for complaints raised in the course of election;
• Submitting reports on its work to the House of Peoples' Representatives
List of Major Program
Treatment Part
• Entrepreneurship
• Therapy part
• Debating part
• Mini Museum
• Recreation & exercise
• Mini library
• Space for Military confidence course
• Dormitory part
• Restaurant & Gift shop
Empowerment part
• Assembly hall
• Amphitheater
Office of NEBOE
In terms of physical structure the project uses a concrete structure as well as steel structure for the inverted pyramids.

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