
"Rebirth"- Renewal of Beirut port as a multifunctional hub for everyone

Shubhajit Mandal, Subhansu Kumar, Salony Mohanta , Swati Samapika Biswal, Shivani Rath
Piloo Modi College of Architecture,ABIT, Cuttack, Orissa

Project idea

The primary idea was to not only think of the new port as a piece of architecture or an urban master plan but raising the question of how to exploit the very expensive lands for the benefit of fostering the economy and commerce as well as restoring the indispensable storage area and the essential port-functions: the mission is to bring back the port's competitive aptness in its context in order to further engage in the world trading markets.

Project description

Given the site is divided into two basic zones, the port industrial zone and the economic cultural zone.
The port industrial zone contains all the industrial activities including cargo loading, unloading and storage activities with 20 different specified warehouses. A back-Bay stacking system is used in the cargo loading-unloading process. Fire stations and water treatment zones are introduced.
The cultural and economic zone is designed to generate cultural integrity and boost local business. The explosion shattered many buildings and destroyed local businesses and lives existing in that area. Memorial park is a cultural area which is connected to the economic part such as malls and restaurants. The memorial is the central part and it drives people towards itself, meanwhile, local businesses are planned along the route. Shopping malls and restaurants are near the memorial for easy accessibility. Office buildings, health care centres and community centres are there to further increase the footfall. The passenger terminal is located away from the main road to control traffic.
The local businesses are planned along the route toward the museum which is planned to create a vista of the memorial (the old silos). The old silos are retrofitted as a memorial and a circular revolving ramp is added, which runs through the memorial. Near to it, is the crater formed after the blast which is now planned as a circular pathway for people to walk around and remember their loved lost ones.
We are taking into account the port-city interface, which is vital to depict a cultural and leisure pedestrian connection. Hence the design is human-centric and designed for the people of Beirut.

Technical information

The port is to operate with these facilities included:
• the container terminal,
• the empty container zone
• conventional cargo zone
• the building of the silo
• the free zone
• fire safety zone
• water treatment plant
• shopping malls and restaurant
• market to promote local business
• museum
• memorial (site of accident)
• marine life research institute
• the passenger terminal
• staff accommodation for staff
• the current port administration with its parking.


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