Urban Design and Landscape

Renovation of the port territory in Beirut. Memorial Park with a socio-cultural complex

Matvey Chuprunov

Project idea

To date, the principles of "sustainable development" form an integral part in assessing the quality of various projects around the world, and given the economic situation in the world, the problems of revitalization and renovation of industrial and depressive environmental facilities are becoming the cornerstone of modern urbanism.
Such territories as a sea cargo port have a valuable material and emotional resource for renovation and revitalization. Therefore, the development of such territories will reduce the negative impact on the environment, thanks to the efficient use of materials, city space and energy, and a competent rethinking based on the ideology of sustainable development will make it possible to achieve economic success by attracting new jobs, which ultimately will have a positive impact on the life of the city and the quality of life of people.

The first goal of the project will be the revitalization (memorial park) and renovation (new development) of the dilapidated seaport, namely the creation of the concept of a modern and diversified port center that meets all public needs (commercial, cultural, leisure, etc.), capable of providing a promising and prosperous future for the city.
The second goal of the project will be the creation of a memorial park with a socio-cultural complex, where the granary, which saved the western part of the city from even greater destruction with its monolithic foundation, will become a place of memory (memorial) for lost lives.
The socio-cultural complex will become a kind of anchor object in the overall composition of the new port, it will get rid of the fortification past and unite new buildings and structures with the city, and the specifics of the functional content will open up new economic and social opportunities for the coastal territory or the entire city.

Creation of a space-planning solution for the port center, namely the development of transport and pedestrian links with the city (schemes), the formation of new residential and commercial quarters (master plan, axonometric and perspective views), the arrangement of recreational and cultural spaces (master plan); restoration of functionality and operability of the port (master plan);
Creation of a space-planning solution of a socio-cultural complex, namely, the definition of the functional saturation of the entire complex, the creation of plans and facades of buildings, the development of a master plan with a project of landscaping and landscaping of the memorial park, the arrangement of the preserved ruins of the granary.

The project has formed a concept for the development of the territory of the destroyed seaport in Beirut, implying: diversification (reconstruction of the entire port), renovation (a typology of residential and public buildings is proposed) and revitalization (preservation of the ruins of the granary and landscaping of the surrounding area).

Project description

The project is based on a modular system that allowed: to unify all volumes of buildings and structures; to generate the optimal height of volumes (evolutionary algorithms); to create a planning system that, if necessary, will easily adapt to the new needs of the city; to link the built-up area with the existing transport and pedestrian system; to reduce the surface area of the port, but at the same time at the same time, increase cargo turnover due to a new container storage system; democratize space; effectively use the expensive area of the coastal territory of the city; create a memorial complex as an irrational space contrasting with the regular grid of streets.

Residential and public buildings.
In total, 6 types of buildings (3 residential and 3 public) were proposed, the height of which was generated indicating the shading of the earth's surface. Almost all buildings have galleries on the 1st floor, courtyards, green terraces and solar panels on the roofs.

The typology of the development includes: modular blocks (multifunctional and rental zones), covered warehouses (double and single), administrative buildings, granary, cargo container storage system. As a replacement for the destroyed granary, a new grain storage system in metal silos has been proposed, if necessary, their number can be increased, since the layout is modular. It implies a new autonomous storage system for cargo containers using the "High Bay Storage" technology, which will significantly increase the cargo turnover of the port and reduce the territory currently occupied.

Socio-cultural complex.
It is a series of objects combined into one three-dimensional composition, the center of which is the memorial park. Each object performs a specific function: educational (university), entertainment (national theater, music theater), multifunctional (socio-cultural institutions), exhibition (house of culture), recreational (parks, squares), memorial (memorial complex), transport (transport stations, entrances to underground parking).
The structure-forming elements of the complex will be three cultural and educational institutions, each of which will serve its own age group: children and adolescents 6-17 years old (group 1), mature people 18-64 years old (group 2), elderly people 65 years and older (group 3).
These institutions will serve as a free platform for: leisure pastime, exhibitions and thematic events, the formation of a permanent educational program.
The buildings will combine both modern design principles (a gallery on the 1st floor, generation of formative blocks taking into account insolation, green terraces and solar panels on the roofs) and elements of traditional Arab architecture (courtyards, patterns like mashrabiya, wind towers like badgir and malkaf).

Memorial complex.
It implies the preservation of the destroyed granary with the subsequent arrangement of the park at the site of the explosion. The circular park, with a diameter of 150 meters, accommodates 210 trees and has 9 outdoor multifunctional playgrounds. Obeying the modular system, the composition of the memorial complex is completed with open water zones, which will enrich the architectural landscape and serve as an effective cooling element.

Technical information

Two variants of the structural frame are offered:

For construction, high–strength composite materials based on wood are used, in particular - LVL timber, CLT panels and glued wooden columns as needed.

Reinforced concrete.
The type of frame chosen is girderless, because it will reduce the volume of building material, simplify the laying of utilities and create more comfortable conditions for permanent residence and ventilation of the space. Such a frame will consist of: columns, floor slabs, inter-column and span panels.

Energy efficiency
One of the important accompanying factors of building shaping in a hot climate is the energy efficiency of the building. The sun in such a climate becomes the cause not only of an uncomfortable environment for a person, but also an endless energy resource that must be rationally involved in ensuring technical processes in the building.
Strategies used:
• advantageous location of solar panels throughout the built-up area;
• such an arrangement of the volumes of buildings in which the entire building is freely blown by cool sea winds;
• the use of passive cooling and aeration techniques for interior spaces from traditional Arabic architecture;
• the use of innovative technologies in the process of active cooling of premises, by converting solar and geothermal energy.

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