Urban Design and Landscape

The recovery

Sara Amigh
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia

Project idea

The project aims to repurpose, rehabilitate and continue the development of various topologies at the site of the port of Beirut while aiming to address the city's economic, social and environmental issues in the wake of the explosion.

Project description

The project solution includes commercial, residential, green and logistical areas. Commercial and green areas are intended to be the main drivers of circulation to an through the port, while the residential and logistical areas serve to raise the living standard of the port as well as the city. There are now strict boundaries and the project includes mixed-purpose blocks as a way to open up the port area and make it come to life with a high degree of transparency.

Technical information

The buildings include both temporary and fixed structures with a heavy infiltration of natural elements including greenery for various purposes. These include a green buffer zone separating the residential areas from key infrastructure. Green leisure spaces, green communal gardens for small scale agricultural cultivation within the community.


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