Interior Design

The light exposition in the Anti-aircraft shelter

Alexandra Borisová
FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Project idea

Architektúra je v mnohých prípadoch druh umenia. Aj v tomto prípade to tak je. Protiletecký kryt dostal funkciu galérie so svetelnou expozíciou. Tá má základ v príbehu odohrávajúci sa počas 2. svetovej vojny. Dôležitým faktom je, že základ sú emócie, ktoré expozícia vytvorí. / The architecture is the kind of an art. The new funktion of the anti-aircraft is the galery with the light exposition. The main idea of it is a story from the time of 2nd world war. The whole story is reflected by the lights that make emotion.

Project description

Príbeh expozície.
Život len tak bežne plynul. Nikto nečakal, že sa blíži niečo hrozné. Ani táto rodina. Síce sa niečo šepká, ale nikto tomu nechce veriť. Až to nakoniec vypukne. Vojna začala. Nastáva chaos, strach a neistota. (V tejto chvíli sa príbeh rozdelí na dve časti s rôznymi koncami.) 1) Muž hlavnej postavy je oboznámený so situáciou a neostáva mu nič iné len sa ukryť aj s celou rodinou v kryte. Nevedia, ako dlho tam budú. Našťastie majú blízkeho priateľa, ktorý ich pravidelne podporuje, informuje a donáša im jedlo, vodu, lieky. Rodina prežíva z dňa na deň. Stále to iste. Stereotyp. Po dlhšej dobe hrozí odhalenie. Sú neistí a boja sa. Ale ich obavy sa nenaplnili. Vojna ustupuje a oni sa čoskoro dostanú von a snažia sa navrátiť do kolobehu predošlého života. 2) Muž hlavnej postavy je oboznámený so situáciou a neostáva mu nič iné len sa osobne zúčastniť vojny a bojovať v nej. Je nešťastný a musí opustiť svoju rodinu. Vojna je neúprosná. Muž nevie, čo je s jeho rodinou. Nevie, či vôbec žijú. Ale dúfa a má nádej. A nádej umiera posledná. Neskôr zistí, že sú v poriadku. Je šťastný. Ale vojna je stále tu. A jemu sa stal osudný jeden výstrel, ktorý nečakal. Zomiera a tým necháva svoju rodinu bez otca a manžela. Ale zomiera s dobrým pocitom, lebo vie, že ostatní sú v poriadku.

Exposition story.
Life was just so normal. No one expected that something awful was coming. Not this family either. Although something whispers, but nobody wants to believe it. When it finally breaks out. The war began. There is chaos, fear and insecurity. (At this point, the story is divided into two parts with different endings.) 1) The main character man is familiar with the situation and has nothing else to do only hide with the whole family in the cover. They don't know how long they will be there. Fortunately, they have a close friend who regularly supports them, informs them and brings them food, water, medicines. The family survives from day to day. Always the same. Stereotype. After a long period of time there is a threat of revelation. They are insecure and afraid. But their fears were not fulfilled. The war is receding and they will soon get out and try to return to the cycle of previous life. 2) The main character's man is familiar with the situation and has no other choice but to personally participate in the war and fight in it. He's unhappy and has to leave his family. The war is relentless. The man doesn't know what's wrong with his family. He doesn't know if they are alive. But he hopes and has the hope. And hope dies last. Later he finds out that they're fine. He's happy. But the war is still here. And one shot made him fatal, and he didn't expect it. He dies, leaving his family free of father and husband. But he dies with a good feeling because he knows the others are fine.

Technical information

Konštrukčné a materiálové riešenie
Nosná konštrukcia objektu je stenová zo železobetónu. Stropy sú zaklenuté. Hlavné vstupy z ulice sú natreté betónovou stierkou a doplnené o čierne subtílne oceľové dvere. Podlahy v kryte sú z liateho betónu. Rovnako aj steny. Celý interiér je veľmi tmavý a to preto, aby mohli vyniknúť všetky svetelné efekty.

Structural and material solutions
The supporting structure of the building is made of reinforced concrete. The ceilings are vaulted. The main entrances from the street are painted with a concrete spatula and complemented by black subtle steel doors. The floors in the cover are made of cast concrete. Also walls. The whole interior is very dark, so all the lighting effects can stand out.

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