
PAPIRNA Elementary school

Tadeáš Vašina, Adam Prchlík
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

The territory is located in the active flood zone of the Vltava River. It does not allow the construction of any permanent structures attached to the ground around the river. Therefore, there is only a green area along the shore and an athletic oval with a background in a former woodworking building. The only exception is the boat tram stop. During the design, the intention of the investor, who plans to build apartment buildings here, was taken into account. The social facilities for the residents will be covered by a cafe located in a former blacksmith shop by the revitalized blind arm of the river. The design of the building itself is based on the city's need to create a semi-public space that will be used by both local residents and school pupils. For that reason, there are no fences around the building, the ground floor is freely accessible and also offers an indoor sports field.

Project description

The entire building is then divided into two units. These allow the inherited space of the school and the public part of the building. one unit with the operation of the school and a multifunctional atrium. This offers facilities for holding lectures, concerts or other cultural events and others with sports halls, a dining room, a club, a library and a terrace. Both buildings are then connected by bridges that extend the main axes of the existing buildings and elegantly connect the two masses into one. At the same time, the design reflects the risk of flash floods, when operations with less demanding technical infrastructure are designed on the first two floors.

Technical information

Brick _existing supporting material
Tahokov _facade panels light perimeter cladding
Metal _rolled sheet metal panels bridges and bracket
Reinforced concrete _skeleton and reinforcement of the structure


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