
Family house in Lenešice

Ladislav Podracký
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

The task was the design of a family house in the close proximity of the ruin of former sugar rafinery in Lenesice, important industrial landmark of the area. The shape of the object is inspired by traditional rural building with rectangular plan, ground floor and attic. Object is situated to the northern part of the site. Bending and adjusting the shape of the house to the shape of the site creates a barrier between the garden and the sugar rafinery. Thus object is also divided into two parts for two generations.

Main conceptual idea was the connection of the house with the industrial legacy of the area, which was achieved by creating a central space where the shape is bent. The hole-through supports the view on the sugar rafinery, contributes to the expression of the house, divides the garden into two seperate parts and is used as a common space by members of both households.

Project description

Two generation family house consists of two separate apartments - bigger one for family with children and smaller one intended for grandparents. Main spaces are in the ground floor, sleeping quarters are located in the attic.

Technical information

Object is made of bricks with concrete and steel reinforcements. The facade of the object is made of steel cladding system.

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