Urban Design and Landscape

REVIVAL of the port Beirut

Tatyana Mishkareva, Adelya Vagizova

Project idea

Students of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, urban planning department have teamed up to create a diversified modern port centre that meets all the community needs, to form a promising and prosperous future for the entire city. Taking into consideration the interaction between the port and the city, the urban planning analysis generated a concept for the area based on the creation of pedestrian and transport routes linking the designed area with the existing infrastructure of the city.
The proposed pedestrian routes, combined with the green frame, provide a comfortable connection between the functional areas, the list of which, apart from the areas required by the tender regulations (container terminal, empty containers zone, freight zone, storage area, free zone, passenger terminal and existing port administration with parking, memorial area), includes residential and mixed-use areas, commercial areas, medical facilities zone, sports facilities zone, public areas, and cultural facilities zone, the introduction of a new cultural heritage zone. In addition to the creation of a sustainable structure for the predominant functional areas such as cargo and passenger port, it was important to form a memorial zone in memory of those who died and suffered in the blast; the image of the pearl, which symbolises "rebirth", was adopted as the founding idea; the memorial is assumed to be the concept at the epicentre of the blast and symbolises the rebirth of the destroyed port.

Project description

The draft concept has three parts, the first part is an urban analysis, we have studied the structure of the city and its relationship to the project area. The analysis consists of explanatory diagrams of transport, socio-cultural and landscape infrastructure.
The second part is dedicated to the masterplan of the design solution and the schemes explaining the structure of the masterplan, this section includes an isometric view to understand the scope.
The third section is devoted to the formation of the memorial area, with a separate block of shaping and a master plan describing the structure of the memorial. The views complete the view of our design proposal.

Technical information

The project focuses on creating a sustainable identity for the port as well as complying with key green development strategies, as the port is a source of enormous pollution for the city and therefore solutions have been introduced:
-New silo storage infrastructure: automated silo handling;
-Stabilisation of operations (tower system, aeration system, cylinder cleaning sifter):
-Solid waste treatment plants and recycling plants.
- Formation of a green framework and a high percentage of greening of the area.


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