
Children's Creativity Center

Egor Melekhin, Arina Mohireva

Project idea

When working on the project, we encountered a problem characteristic of our time: the site for the placement of the object is located in a residential neighborhood among typical buildings.
According to modern research on the influence of the environment on humans, such a uniform building, without architectural dominants, increases stress levels.
Thus, we decided to create an architecture of such a form and content here in order to switch people's attention, arouse curiosity and imagination.
Creating meaningful forms, giving them to adults and children, the architect lives many lives together with those who will come here year after year. High-quality architecture is a responsibility to society, to the future of this society.

Project description

The building consists of two blocks: the main leisure block and a concert hall with 400 seats.
The leisure block contains rooms for creative activities of various genres, from dancing to art, from singing to model tailoring. A large amount of natural light makes the building bright, and work in it comfortable and productive.
The concert hall, on the contrary, is less illuminated, which made it possible to make the outlines of the building in this place more complex, adding uniqueness to the building relative to the surrounding development.
The connection between the blocks is made by a translucent atrium space, which, according to the idea, will serve as a flower garden, and the atrium coating is made of an ETFE membrane, which contributes to the creation of the necessary temperature regime there and does not violate the ingress of solar ultraviolet.

Technical information

The main structure of the building consists of reinforced concrete, presented in the form of load-bearing walls, columns and ceilings. Places with a large span are covered with metal trusses. The roof and walls of complex shape are also mounted on a metal frame. The exterior walls and roof themselves are made of fiberglass, which eases the load on the structure without losing the shape of the exterior. Also, the use of an ETFE membrane reduces the load on metal trusses in the atrium and allows you to make a smaller amount of metal.
Architectural and planning solutions are made taking into account the requirements for the premises and we carry out actions in them. Also, the position of the premises is determined in accordance with the groups by type of activity, which allows us to make a competent zoning of the common space and establish communication of human flows.
The concert hall is designed for both children's center events and city events, as it provides technological theatrical requirements, as well as places for mounting equipment, storing props and dressing rooms for artists. The presence of an open summer stage on the reverse side is justified by the need for outdoor summer events, which is favorable for children and adults.


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