
Labor Children Center

Sadaf Daneshpajooh
Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Department of Architecture, Tehran
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

The current project aims to design a center for labor children in the first district of Tehran, specifically the Evin neighborhood in Iran. The site is accessible for pedestrians from the south and for vehicles from the east and west. There are also private residential properties and gardens on the north and northwestern sides of the site. On the other hand, the project context is a garden with various types of plants and trees, with a semi-abandoned cottage in its middle part. Therefore, preserving the existing trees and the building has been one of the main goals of the design.

Other important project goals are: identifying the needs, problems, and specific characteristics of labor children and designing according to them; paying attention to the views and landscape of the garden; using local materials harmoniously with the context’s neighborhood building materials; and paying attention to the topography of the site and designing the building based on it.

Project description

The design aims to work as a center for the growth and evolution of street children. Therefore, it is decided to depict this evolution through time by dedicating exclusive spaces to the kids for planting their trees in the building.

These trees, as well as growing with and representing the kids and their progress through time, help creating vibrant and semi-open outdoor spaces.

Moreover, the design hopes to create a vibrant atmosphere for the kids. This goal is achieved by using colors and limiting the maximum building heights to one floor above ground

Technical information

The site’s 9% slope was modified into six different height codes, varying from 0.00 to 8.50 meters in height from the entrance level. Each site’s level also provides access to the zones on that level. Moreover, locating the buildings all over the site made it possible to use some of the rooftops as usable spaces for kids.

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