resilience is the key word that holds the project together.
does not matter how much we are divided
we never fail to stand and REBUILD our country.
this tower consists of three elements that are tied together through a thread to represent the strength of our people and pay respect to the site.
this project consists of a public area to invite the inhabitants of Beirut to share a meal together and to tell stories. the public area leads the person to an under ground theatre and a ramp that connects it to the tower.
the tower consists of a main hall, kindergarten, and offices. the roofs of the tower are open for the public where they can share a drink on the skyline of Beirut.
the construction of the building consists of an exo-skeleton that is made from the parts. the main structure is made out of steel that hols the building together. the secondary structure are the trusses of steel. the treachery structure are metal rods holding the glass.
the structure in the building is challenging due to the two flying elements that represent the power of the blast. three 5m structural floors where inserted consisting of steel trusses to withstand the hold