
Bioethics center in Yekaterinburg

Елена Худорожкова
USAAA, Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts, Ekaterinburg
Russian Federation

Project idea

The Bioethics Center in Yekaterinburg is a scientific and educational space where all groups of the population can feel themselves in the role of a biologist, conducting experiments with cellular structures, learn about achievements in the field of bioengineering, independently grow a plant with specified characteristics, use organic compounds to create their own culinary or cosmetology product, study in more detail the problems of modern ecology and methods of their solution.
In addition to the main function of popularizing science, the center is a great place for leisure. Since the building is located in the structure of the park, it is harmoniously integrated into its ensemble with the help of landscaping and natural materials.

Project description

The basis of the figurative and artistic solution of the object is the idea of GREEN ARCHITECTURE with the organic inclusion of the building in the park ensemble. The idea was implemented through the active use of exploited roofs with landscaping and the creation of a summer amphitheater on the roof.
Each petal of the roofs of functional blocks forming an integral composition, forming an amphitheater, is isolated not only spatially, but also due to the difference in the nature of the forms, their coloristics and compositional techniques for the formation of plant components.
In addition, each of the operated roof petals is specifically equipped with equipment for recreation and familiarization with information on the types and characteristics of the plants and flower crops represented.
From the aboveground park, view platforms are provided that open views in the directions of the picturesque Botanical Garden and the ensemble of the quarter of the Ual branch of the Academy of Sciences of Russia.

Technical information

The entrance to the aboveground scientific and educational park, a kind of open greenhouse, is organized both from the ground park and from inside the center: from the foyer and the distribution structure of the second floor.
The architecture of the Bioethics Center, through original mimicry with the help of facade heat-treated wood and a complex of natural components, dissolves into the landscape of the ground park, turning the complex into a single integral natural organism.

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