Interior Design

Creationary - An Art and Creative Hub

Chau Minh Bao
Raffles College of Higher Education
Viet Nam

Project idea

Creationary is an art and creative Hub with a combination of organic and interactive design for creatives and designers to reduce brain drain in the Creative Industries in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Today, the working environment in Vietnam is no creative and poor. With the creative industries, the value of ideas is also disproportionately paid. As a result, Vietnam is losing more and more talents. This project aims to create a new and fresh working environment, bringing the quintessence of art and creativity to designers and creators. An inspiring space that helps them create unique and impressive ideas. Furthermore, also towards a space that can also collaborate and share ideas of creative multidisciplinary, that will also lead to a complete improvement of the current working environment in Vietnam. The target audience of this venue will range from youth to adults interested in design and art. Share with them the importance and value of the ideas of designers and creatives.

Project description

The two main concepts of this project are the combination of Organic and Interactive design. Each design has a different element to help create a full of creative art and collaboration. Organic is the main design point in this building. Most places using organic properties will be in the structure and partitions. The shapes are not balanced and nearly the same, linked together to make a big difference to the entire space of the project. Orienting a space of creativity and artistry, and bringing Organic Art into the artistic space through different forms have different meanings. Inspire creative environments and designers and creators. Interactive is the main point of the building's experience. Interactive space creates by combining creativity with physical spaces and technology. In addition, to still operate this space, it is collaboration. Interactive space will not work without interaction and collaboration. Creating a space like in a story, interactive space tells the people in space a separate story. This will help each person learn the story that will make them feel like part of the story.

Technical information

In an artistic and creative space, the materials used in the space always bring minimal sophistication, some materials have special properties with opacity, transparency, and reflection. The focus part of the space structure is the sculptured staircase, it connects all the floor and brings art to the space, through the natural light from the skylight to the organic shape and the stairs. The staircase is made of concrete with a curve form, covered by aluminum to create the reflection, and the organic shape connects with the stairs made of translucent polycarbonate. In addition, to the color scheme of the space, the red color is the main color to create the contrast for the whole space. Red color brings a strong energy to boots our thinking, mostly used on furniture in space. The furniture in some spaces in the building is made of wood and recycled plastic finished with red paint. Like in the Creative thinking and Collaborate area.


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