Urban Design and Landscape

Urban Design of Abrisham Eco Park to Create the Concept of Eco Culture with Sustainability Approach

Mahsa Hazbi
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

Considering the important of Eco park procedure of development and the protection of the environmental researchers and the innovative institutions and companies, the necessity of designing and building Eco park with the usage of clean energy to raise Eco-culture and creating endeavor mentality for environment sustainability and archiving worldwide standards is undeniable. And the other issues such as the field and the procedure of development in the country and the present environmental and bio problems and also the affect of the increasing in population and fast growth of technology and consequently the usage and creating different kinds of garbage and industrial and homegrown residue are the other reasons to think about Eco park in cities.

Project description

As responding to the forgoing items, the present region of Kan village located in the north entrance of Tehran, the conjunction of Tehran-North freeway and Hemmat highway is chosen for studding and consequently designing the Eco park.
In the present project, the Eco park, sustainable issues, Eco-culture and renewable energies are first indagated and defined, and after indicating the domestic and foreigner cases the frame of project is codified. In continue, the attitude of comparative cognition and the analysis of the consulting range is done, this analysis is consist of skeletal and regional evaluation and SWOT analysis. In this way the guidelines and design diplomacy are extracted.

Technical information

In this project it’s tried to create a multipurpose and para-textual complex with the usage of qualitative and descriptive analytic method with the naturalist approach. This Eco park aims to create Eco-culture’s concept and building a recreational- educational region with the retaining abiding principles and gradating the level of the culture of people about the optimized usage of the environment and also introducing the north entrance of Tehran. The final designing of Eco park is done for these matters.

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