
Проект градостроительного развития острова Сарпинский в городе Волгоград

Ivan Barbarov
Vologda State Technical University, Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Vologda
Russian Federation

Project idea

Volgograd is a city on the Volga. Water is of particular importance for all citizens and for all mankind. Academician V.I. Vernandsky said that the picture of visible nature is determined by water. The wealth of the water world is constantly used by man. Man is 80 percent water. It is impossible to overestimate the role of water in the development of the ecological, aesthetic, historical and cultural potential of mankind.
Water recreation is widely used in coastal cities. Until now, the townspeople have been content with sunbathing on the beach and swimming. Active recreation on the water, including sports, is becoming more and more popular. In connection with the development of recreational development in the coastal areas, the disturbance of the natural balance is also increasing. To achieve the goals set, the relief is changing (creation of man-made beaches, shedding and sliding of the grass cover, disturbance of coastal vegetation, deforestation). Coastal areas and water bodies are very vulnerable, recreational pressure is very low, and the ability to quickly recover is limited.
Currently, a lot of measures are being created to protect the water world from anthropogenic impact and integrated solutions for their restoration.
The relevance of this topic lies in the combination of measures to protect nature and improve the conditions for a good rest for people. It is necessary to develop the relationship between people and nature.

Project description

When creating a scheme for the planning organization of the design area, all the features of the location of the territory, its existing functional zoning, the existing transport and infrastructure, as well as the history of the development of the territory were taken into account. As a result, the most comfortable environment for recreation and pastime of the population was formed. The scheme of the planning organization of the design area contains a comprehensive solution regarding the planning of the territory, the saturation of new functions of the territory, the improvement and landscaping of the territory.
Advantages of the planning solution:
1. Preservation and improvement of the island's ecosystem through new landscaping and road design along existing links;
2. systematization of the road network;
3. saturation of the territory with new functions: recreational, leisure, sports, cultural and educational facilities.
4. uniting the territory of the island into a single whole with the help, the formation of a green frame of landscaping;
5. solution of issues of improvement and gardening of the territory: repair and laying of a new road surface, paving, formation of safe pedestrian spaces, lighting of the territory;
6. Creation of landscaped park areas and a pedestrian terraced embankment;
The scheme of the planning organization of the territory (Fig. 3) shows the movement of vehicles, the organization of pedestrian traffic and the movement of cyclists. New objects are placed on the scheme, which are displayed in the explication to the scheme of the planning organization of the design area.
When designing, the following indicators were taken into account:
1. The need of the population for institutions and objects of short-term use (X) \u003d (population of Volgograd (Y) * 30%) / 100
X \u003d (1,019,000 * 30) / 100 \u003d 305,700 people
2. Total attendance of the park:
P_total \u003d K * H, where:
K - coefficient of one-time visit;
H is the prospective number of city residents.
P_total \u003d 0.1 * 1,000,000 \u003d 100,000 people.
3. One-time visit to the park:
P_ed \u003d K_1 * P_total / K_2, where:
K_1 - coefficient of distribution of visitors between the parks of the city equal to 0.1;
K_2 - visitor shift ratio equal to 1.3
P_unit \u003d 0.1 * (100,000) / 1.3 \u003d 7,629 people.
4. Recreational load is the degree of direct influence of vacationers (tourism, collection of "gifts" of the forest, fishing ...), their vehicles, the construction of temporary and second (country) dwellings and other structures on natural complexes or recreational facilities. Expressed as the number of people or man-days per unit area or recreational facility for a certain period of time (usually a day or a year) [8] is equal to:
f=P_ed/S, where:
f - recreational load;
S is the area of ​​the park.
f=(7629)/(6341)=1.203 person/ha

Consider the seasonal use of hydropark
1) In summer, the use of the hydropark is as follows:
- bathing;
- boating and water skiing;
- sunbathing,
- water tourism,
- alloy,
- comb,
- sailing and water sports,
- terenkur
- fishing
2) Winter use of the hydropark includes:
- turnkur (health festivities);
- skating;
- skiing;
- sledging;
- playing sports in indoor sports centers;
- equipped winter fishing;
- visiting the arboretum;

Technical information

Fr. Sarpinsky. The site we have chosen has great recreational resources. Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the natural potential of the region. Due to the fact that the island has been preserved almost in its original form, there is a huge potential for the development of public space. The area of ​​the island is 112.72 km2 allows developing various types of recreational areas on the basis of the island and making a single park. Due to the unfavorable conditions of the island, namely partial flooding, high groundwater levels and the presence of a large amount of water resources, the development of the island was chosen by creating a hydropark on it.
Objective of the project:
- Urban development: creation of mechanisms for sustainable urban development of Sarpinsky Island, which will effectively stimulate the development of recreation areas and the tourism industry within the boundaries of Volgograd;
- Social development: creating a close association with the city of Volgograd through the development of transport infrastructure and the creation of tourism clusters to attract the local population and provide them with new jobs.
The objectives of the project are:
- urban planning analysis of the design area;
- a proposal for the concept of urban development, namely Gidroaprk on Sarpinsky Island in the city of Volgograd;
- organization of transport and pedestrian network and improvement;
- Calculation of the estimated cost.

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