
beirut's new vision

Aycel walid, Eman mohamed, Yoummna hassan, amal reda, sherouk medhat
Shorouk Academy

Project idea

Concept :
- Main focus on port’s geographical lines .
- So we used deconstruction design .
What is deconstruction ?
Deconstructivism is a movement belonging to contemporary architecture, and was developed to oppose the ordered rationality of modernism. Its non-linear style and defiance in the face of symmetrical shapes propelled the creation of buildings with a unique visual appearance.

The Memorial Zone
The clock shape poses the hour when the explosion happened ,To memorialize the time and place of the event, a clock feature will be a remindful marker while time passes .

Project description

land mark
Ship's lighthouse, which serves as a distinctive sign for the port
an attractive landmark Where people can go upstairs to see the view from above
walking path and open air cafeshopes for people
-The location of the port is distinguished locally and internationally .
- The port area is very large, allowing great investment opportunities .

- The damage caused by the explosion .
- The bad economic situation of Lebanon .
- Poor exploitation of port lands .

- Increasing projects that support the economy .
- Take advantage of wasted spaces .

- The bad economic situation of Lebanon .
- Wars and the bad security situation in Lebanon

group members:
Aycel walid mohsen
Amal reda
Eman mohamed khairy
Eman belal tawfik
Engy mohab
Ahmed mahmoud
Ibrahim hamdy fayda
Esraa mahmoud
Fatma ibrahim
Aya ibrahim
Yommna hassan
Sherouk medhat

Technical information

design points
- gates to increase security and rearrange the parking lots
- an entertainment part inside the port and put movement paths inside it
- separated the entertainment part from the function part.
- road network linking the port parts with the regulation of traffic
-the development of internal traffic paths to facilitate the movement of pedestrians
-re-design of the landscape and the containers part

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