Urban Design and Landscape


Andrea Salomé Morales Herrera, Karen Natalie Guerrero Ramírez, Valeria Dayana Izurieta Peña
Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Cumbaya, Ecuador, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseno Interior

Project idea

After an explosion that left Beirut in an economic, commercial and educational vacuum, our project "A New Beginning For Beirut" was born with the objective of creating a fully active port that would revitalize all the lost stability. Our goals have been achieved, centering a futuristic financial district without leaving the historical footprint left by the explosion.

Project description

Our project has been divided into three main areas, a tourist area (left, aerial view), a financial district (center), and the port area (right, aerial view). A New Beginning for Beirut' was born with the concept of a new resurgence after an explosion that left Beirut without economic, educational, and residential stability. The concept of the project is implanted from the memorial area, where the word 'Begin' translated into Arabic, symbolizes the connection between the past, the present and the future by incorporating itself as a landscape pattern, referring to a historical step and transformation for the port of Beirut.
The main objective is based on the improvement of the port by rehabilitating mainly the financial area, with an elite and commercial program, attracting both tourists and residents.

Technical information

Our financial district takes center stage. Composed of three main buildings, a hotel, a bank and an administrative center, the financial district comes to life surrounded by the traditional souks, exposed between a high-density residential area and a very active memorial area.
by traditional souks, exposed between a high-density residential area and a bustling memorial area. The buildings
have the same typology, so that they interact and connect with each other, by means of a linear base and a souk in each block.

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