
Hodeidah International Airport Project / مشروع مطار الحديده الدولي

Naji Sari
Thamar university

Project idea

The technical and engineering design dimension, the project belongs to the deconstructive architecture, which means in the language of engineering the method of understanding the relationship between text and meaning, and this design is post-disassembly, as the engineer adopted the approach or the streamlined organic trend that is concerned with modern style and style in design.

Project description

The project’s capacity per year is estimated at 30 million passengers, and it is considered the most famous graduation project in the history of architecture in Yemen. It was registered among the global giant projects for the year 2018-2019 and was also registered on the engineering website specialized in the Arab world.

Technical information

He followed the organic, streamlined trend, which is concerned with the modern style and style in barometric design. One of the pioneers of this architectural school was the late Iraqi engineer Zaha Hadid.

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