This was a studio project .I had to design a Theater hall that will accommodate 50 people.
In the site there is a 200 year old banyan tree and on the east side there is a lake. In Bangladesh people performs in open sky under a banyan tree or beside river. I wanted to implement this in my design. So, I designed an amphitheater beside the banyan tree and the theater hall on the lake side. When a visitor enters through the plaza he will see the amphitheater and the banyan tree, then he will enter the theater he will see the lake as a backdrop of the stage. This will create a metaphysical connection between the visitor and the lake. Backdrop can be changed depending on the performance. After the performance when visitor exits the theater finally, he will see and connect with the lake.
Lake is a dynamic entity. The out lines of lake varies on different times of the year. My concept of form came from this. It is morphing of two circles into a organic form. The section is derived from the waves of the lake.
The curved room is made of shell structure
Rotatable glass panels behind the stage
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