Urban Design and Landscape

Productive cities in local terms. Urban concept for the area former Rolling Stock Repair Works on Przeróbka in Gdańsk

Karol Drobniewski
Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk

Project idea

Many cities are experiencing a period of regeneration of degraded areas, where mixed-use districts are formed, which, according to the author, introduce social and economic disproportions. Popularization of the productive city idea may be the answer to the indicated problems. The theoretical part of the work is an attempt to define the contemporary productive city from a local perspective, analyzing its development and implementation possibilities at various urban scales. On its basis, the guide "Productive cities in local terms" (Miasta produktywne w ujęciu lokalnym) was created, which in a simple way explains the idea, which can be used by local governments and other entities influencing the shaping of urban space. The second part of the project is a comprehensive urban and architectural concept in the areas of the former Railway Rolling Stock Repair Works in Przeróbka in Gdańsk, which is not the maximization of socio-economic potential, but an imagining of a new spatial and social structure, creating the first district based on the idea of ​​a productive city in Gdańsk.

Project description

Gdańsk is the main Polish city located by the Baltic Sea and is an important service, cultural and economic center in the region. The connection with the sea, based on trade and exchanges with neighboring countries, is the key to the city’s success and development, and is also an integral part of its identity. In recent years, Gdańsk has been developing very strongly, and the last free areas of the city center are developing along with it. Districts forgotten by the city authorities are located in close proximity. One of them is Przeróbka industrial district with residential buildings, which hides an area unknown to the inhabitants of the city with historic halls from the 20th century. The area is a well-preserved urban fabric on which the Rolling Stock Repair Works were located, which survived nearly six generations of community. On the basis of the inventory and analyzes, the site and the buildings on it were valorised and the concept was prepared. On the basis of the inventory, analysis of conditions and local documents, the land was valued and a design concept was prepared, which is based on the strategy of the place, familiarizing residents with the forgotten part of the city. After the inhabitants have become familiar with the area, the development of buildings will begin.

The strategy for the district results from the prepared mind map concerning the strengths and features of the area. The concept of the district should be adapted to the conditions not only of the design area, but also of the city. The author asked the question „What should the future district be like?”

First, the area will be prepared for investment. A park with productive greenery will be created along the eastern border of the area, and buildings of poor technical condition and temporary nature inside the area will be dismantled and demolished. The materials from the facilities will be recycled and their elements will be used to shape the future area. Renovated historic buildings will regain their former splendor and become a catalyst for changes in space. Some of the buildings will continue to function as local manufactories, where enterprises will be more spatially condensed, while others will be allocated to socio-cultural functions. Then the community will begin to “get used to” the project area and the process of clearing the site will begin. The construction of new residential and service facilities will start from the southern part of the area along Siennicka Street and will gradually increase upwards, creating a more complete picture of the district.

The idea of a productive city will direct the district towards the future. The strategy covers the protection and transformation of the existing industrial heritage and helps to create an area to support and spread new creative forces that will drive the whole area. Creating the „evolutionary” character of the buildings will allow to introduce a large number of space topologies that will serve as a place for the development of local business. The district will have workshop functions that will create a living, real city and ensure that small businesses sell their products locally. Various industries will share not only their space, but also tools and know-how. The support and dissemination of emerging start-ups, creative forces and culture will be the driving force behind the created character of the district.

The design area can be conventionally divided into two parts: the area of ​​the historic urban layout and the area behind the existing entrance between multi-family buildings. One of the guidelines for the planned urban layout was the preservation of track routes, the preservation of the existing trees and green areas, as well as the existing buildings.

In the historic urban layout, it was decided to introduce quarter buildings. On average, the quarters are 5 storeys high and are comparable to the buildings in the Przeróbka area. The size of the quarters is dictated by the widths and lengths of the wagon repair hall and the locomotive repair hall, as well as the surrounding buildings. It was decided to build the wagon repair hall with the buildings located on the platform with pillars that do not disturb the structure of its walls. Along the planned linear park connecting the district’s green space system, there are elevations to form local dominants that rise towards the northwest.

The local plan does not introduce height limits, therefore the area becomes a “tasty morsel” for investors to build high buildings. In the concept, it was decided to build high-rise buildings that are outside the historical layout and rise in the north-west direction, ending with the highest building 96 m. Their gentle growth towards the Vistula is supposed to be a symbol of „the city’s growth towards the water”. Their location along the edge of the new Bocznicowa Street is also associated with the creation of an acoustic barrier for the active railway tracks located 300 meters away, leading towards the Port. It is important that the buildings complement the city landscape in an interesting way, introducing dominants visible from important vantage points such as Biskupia Górka and Góra Gradowa, or places serving as exhibition foregrounds, e.g. Ołowianka or the Stocznia Cesarska Shipyard Basin, and also become a background for the old accents of the Tower Pressure and the chimney of the boiler room. High-rise buildings are not visible from the human level, so they do not disturb its intimate spatial order. Shaped urban fabric clearly separates into two parts. The historic layout of buildings will be thickened with a compact, quarter development. The new part will become a modern city with a green, urban character. Some features of the buildings in the old and new parts of the layout will be different. The boundary between the zones will run smoothly, slowly changing its architectural expression.

Urban places play the role of everyday scenery for the life of residents, employees and neighbors living in the Przeróbka area. Society is part of created matter. It is important that the area on offer provides a variety of seasonal activities. The cultural program will be targeted at various social groups: children, middle class, creative class, retirees and party people. This will be achieved by a system of various squares and greenery. Public spaces will be based on the theory of the third place, providing recreational functions, not only for work, but also for everyday activities. They will exist as places where the life of the local community is vibrant, where new ideas are born, consolidate or evolve values ​​important in a given environment. The main core of public spaces is a network of preserved tracks, delineating 5 lanes in the area that integrate with the core - a compositional axis running along the historic buildings. It is on this grid that the system of local squares is based, in which each of them has assigned its own functions. The whole is filled with connections located on the north-east and south-west axis, which take the character of intimate streets.

The traffic of cars will be based on the ring around the district, with two-way roads, which will ensure the free passage of the car during rush hours. It is allowed for cars to enter the area in order to provide accessibility for people with disabilities or access to underground car parks. These roads are schematically shown on the projection with a dashed line. This zone will be limited to a speed of 20 km / h.

An important element of the historical infrastructure are the tracks left, which will be restored as fully functional. The area is intended for all kinds of non-burdensome industrial activities. The distinctive feature of the area is internal transport based on autonomous draisines, which will be used by the community to transport large-size goods, and will also act as a kind of tourist attraction. The draisines move along the north-west, south-east axis, thanks to which they reach the most important buildings that function as the district’s manufacture, ending in the north. In the future, during the implementation of the walking route, it is possible to extend the service of the draisine towards the Ostrów Island.

The area will offer many forms of spending free time in green areas, which will be responsible for its system. When preparing the concept, the presence of greenery in its area was taken into account and the losses resulting from the introduction of new forms of development were minimized. The area offers various forms of greenery such as parks, avenues of trees, green quarters, green roofs, gardens and winter gardens.

Sustainable development should be represented by solid and integrated solutions that will create long-term use value. It is not only the development of the district based on respect for tradition, but one that will meet the needs of ecology, society and economy. The strategies described in this design book will have a significant impact on „implanting life” in the new productive neighborhood. The concept is strongly related to the closed circuits of the circular economy. Both on-site and future elements are to be reused in the district, while mitigating financial impact, waste and integrating society. Phytoremediation, re-use of demolition materials, or a modest and flexible form of transforming historic buildings lead to the adaptation of the area to the upcoming changes. Only later, after introducing the most important resource: society, accustomed to changes, should we go a step further and ensure responsible construction, new forms of mobility or renewable energy in buildings. The creation of a new, stable district, in which the space between buildings is based on the theory of third place, will ensure health, a sense of security and local belonging.

The entire fully described project as design book which is available on the website https://issuu.com/karoldrobniewski/docs/project_in_english and the pictures inserted on INSPIRELI awards platform are for visual only.

Technical information

The project I have created goes beyond the standard architectural vision.
It is supposed to show the general vision and principles of the design area, and not focus on architectural technical solutions.The project touches on threads such as masterplanning, revitalization of post-industrial areas, reconstruction and renewal, heritage and environment protection, ways of reclamation and adaptation of the place to live, mobility, public spaces, landscape architecture, designing in coexistence of housing and industry/manufacturing/craft, sustainable development.


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