
Distribute and collect

Melike Çobanoğlu, Selinay Çakın, Yavuz Cevher, Yasin Ahmet Öztürk, Mehmet Ali Akar
Baskent University

Project idea

As a result of our analysis, we have seen that the public green space is scarce in the city and the green tries to find a place for itself on the streets and as private green spaces. For this reason, we want to create a place of commemoration and cooperation in the beirut port design area, where public green dominates, around the destroyed silo and around the pit, which is the trace of the explosion. We want to combine the square, which we designed as the beginning of this place, with the important squares and parks of the city, to create green axes, to distribute the green and to gather people to the portal with the help of these green axes.

Project description

We think that these green axes that we want to create will continue to spread by creating public green spaces in the spaces found for the city or to be opened over time. We aim to distribute the green from 3 different points from the public green area we have designed and gather people from these places. The reason why we entered from 3 different points; If we start from the east, we realized that the river in the east of the design area is a border separating Beirut and Burj Hamud. From a situation where the stream separates people, we aimed for the stream to be a common unifying value for both sides. Burj Hamud and Beirut unite through green corridors. Here, we have thought of open, semi-open and closed workshops, and the products to be produced in the workshops will enable us to include the world in the unifying situation we are trying to create through the port. The income obtained will continue to keep the spirit of solidarity and cooperation alive after the explosion by supporting the cooperation space we will create in the silo. Since we see the Charles Helou terminal in the south as the gateway to Beirut, we are thinking of an organization where exhibitions and event spaces related to the history of Beirut welcome people. At the point opening to the silo, we want to design a trail, a square of remembrance. Another reason why we wanted to design these events here is that we wanted the green space scattered from here to bring itself together with the important museums of the city.

Technical information

We think that these green axes that we want to create will continue to spread by creating public green spaces in the spaces found for the city or to be opened over time. We keep people together with uninterrupted transportation.


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