Urban Design and Landscape

Diseño Urbano y Arquitectónico de espacios mixtos para el barrio Gualo del DMQ

Jorge Panchi, Michelle Cevallos
EUniversidad Tecnológica Equinoccial

Project idea

The urban project generates a continuity of the public space towards the architectural space which integrates equipment, services, green areas, transition and permanence spaces as a dynamic nucleus, improving the accessibility and connection of the entire neighborhood, serving it equitably by creating a network of activities that converge with different needs, improving the quality of public and private space.
Public spaces integrate the social relationship with dynamic routes through flexible spaces that can be used in different activities, the appropriation of this space makes the population have the possibility of having places that allow them to market the products and crops of the area , in the same way to share in this place, allowing activation and continuous movement with the utility of the space in the morning as at night. The central square plays an important role when it comes to uniting these activities around it.
The optimization of the project generates that in its immediate surroundings a series of extra equipment are gradually added and thus also solve local work, commercial activation and recreational space.
The utility of these multifunctional spaces makes the construction areas change more quickly according to the need of the population.

Project description

Our urban and architectural mixed-use project is important for the Gualo neighborhood since it allows the integration of different activities, satisfying the needs of users, improving the quality of the spaces. It will also provide new sources of employment and recreational spaces that will be distributed in strategic points, providing the sector with new equipment.
The project will improve the living conditions of the different users by promoting economic, cultural and recreational development, making the new spaces comfortable and safe places, producing the appropriation of the place by the inhabitants.

Technical information

The prefabricated modular construction system assembly is fast, safe, economical and cleaner at construction time. Optimizing the structural characteristics to the maximum through slabs, beams and panels. The operation of the structure complies with the joining system between panels, giving the structure great strength against vertical loads and excellent performance against horizontal stresses (earthquake) .In the same way, the project integrates equipment, services, green areas, Transitional and permanent spaces as a dynamic nucleus, improving the accessibility and connection of the entire neighborhood, serving it in an equitable manner, creating a network of activities that converge with the different needs, improving the quality of the public and private space.

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