The project is a health center for the treatment of addiction, which provides therapeutic, health and psychological services to a certain category of people who have been addicted to a predominant drug use across the globe
CONTENT It's clear that illegal drug addiction is spread among people especially young people which are most affected category, leading them to future full of problem with family, society, financial . The concept of this project is (breaking of the problems and obstacles) to start a new life and give a new chance for people who are facing ad- diction depression problems
and use Colors in project have proven to influence human psychology, and are directly related to a person’s state of mind, be it home, drugs center or other space. Colors can accelerate healing, lift spirits and calm nerves.
The purpose of the Therapeutic Garden is to support the patient's treatment and recovery in the medical environment
Using the water component helps relieve stress, the person feels reassurance and psychological stability
The use of natural elements and trees where trees infiltrate inside and outside the project to support the idea that the project is from and to nature and flexibility in design based on a structural system that allows movement and development later and the use of building materials from nature supports the sustainability of the project