
Taman Sari Cultural Center with Soundscape Experience

Kirana Nandang Sadhani Bantilan
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta website of the Department of Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia

Project idea

Highlighting the history place layer at Kampung Wisata Taman Sari area. Restore the sense of place in the past with soundscape history layer and culture activities. The pavilions are represent every historical layer
experience such as Taman Sari and Pulo Kenongo in 1765's , bird market in 1960's, Batik Taman Sari in 1970's and Plaza Ngasem 2010. Batik lukis and painting workshop and cultural performance as primary activities to increasing historical value awareness towards people. and inhabitant prosperity Preserve the existing place history to be memorized and treated.

Project description

Project issues coming from a heritage place with people who have low awareness of historical and cultural value since the Taman Sari complex area are turned into urban settlement. Due to that, Taman Sari complex sense of place is changing. Limit space to develop the heritage area and having social activity. Also, there is an abandoned space which formerly waste water treatment.
Bring the approach of historical and cultural layer of it's place to be memorized and restoring the sense of place with soundscape layer. So, that human awareness will be triggered. Revitalizing the historical waste water treatment (abandoned space) using pavilion-stilt base and interprating Taman Sari form to the new built pavilion which is octagonal plan of "pelataran gedhong lopak-lopak" building and the building roof. Taking Batik workshop as main activity within the new building. Use the Batik production steps as each pavilion function and character. Every facade, form and behavior of pavilion is different since it's adjusted the sound within pavilion. The 3 main pavilion ;
1st is "gamelan" pavilion which represent past Taman Sari complex with sound of gamelan instrument and semi-closed facade form from "Joglo" house envelope and Taman Sari character
2nd is singing bird pavilion which represent past bird market in Ngasem area with singing bird sound and open facade form from "Joglo" house terrace and Taman Sari opening
3rd is water pavilion which represent this is formerly was waste water treatment area with water splash sound and semi-open facade form from Joglo house opening

Existing amphitheater with background of Pulo Kenongo building of Taman Sari complex. having flexibility in use as social space also.
The visitors will experiencing the journey of soundscape experience. This is the new celebration and regenerating site existing life for economy, history and culture, also social bonding.

Technical information

Technical structure using pavilion-stilt based type and steel light weight structure with pedestal foundation. So, the building will not have foundation to be planted in the heritage site. Preserving the pathway of waste water treatment site existing. Using acoustic panel as sound absorbent since the sound need to travel and deliver to the visitors slowly, smoothly and intimately. The existing building used as supporting facility such as toilet, MEE, MEP and storage with developing the room organization.

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