
Hide and Seek

Shahar Menaged

Project idea

The project stemmed from the initial impression of the place. The existing university campus felt to me like a kind of wall or a fort that hides within the learning an creating process of it’s students. In the conceptual model, I imagined the wall as huge walls scattered in space and the educational work as balloons hidden between the walls. I first placed the walls in the yard according to a grid I created that corresponded with the existing campus and then I placed the crushed balloons between the walls that create the program spaces. The composition has resulted in a wide variety of interior, exterior and intermediate areas. It has also led to multiple movement options within the building whether passing through the balloons or in the external movement between the walls creating more intimate and mysterious spaces. Each balloon has a specific function and a separate entrance which makes it easier to access it from any area on the surrounding campus.

Project description

Each structure resembles the shape of a balloon that was crushed between two walls and given an architectural interpretation. The balloon consists of a collection of hexagons made of aluminum, some transparent and some opaque. The paint comes to define the function so that you can see from a distance where a certain area is under the roof or the walls that protrude through the concrete walls. In some of the inner concrete walls I created a break in the places where they meet the balloons to create a more open and airy feeling.

Technical information

The balloon consists of a collection of hexagons made of aluminum, some transparent and some opaque.


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