

lian assad

Project idea

Education in the 21st century is an essential component in one's life; it's the NUCLEUS of one's identity. Bratislava is characterized by a unique architectural manner with its courtyards that are situated within each neighborhood. The connection between the university and its inner courtyard will be different from the connection of the surrounding buildings with the university — the inner courtyard will be the essence of the campus.

Project description

The project aim is to make the courtyard a focal point in the building of the university by adding a structure that is divided to several different pavilions, each pavilion contributes a different role to the university.

Technical information

The project will focus on two elements: First, the sculptures' mass will be taking different roles by connecting to the main mass of the building in various ways; on the side of the building, inside the building, or in the courtyard.
The second element is a form of the continuum line which takes on the role of motion that connects between the existing mass with the new additional parts of the university.


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