
School town

Mary Potashova
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saint-Petersburg
Russian Federation

Project idea

Project goals:
• Creation of an architectural and planning solution for the space necessary for study and recreation.
• Development of environmentally sound design and energy efficient construction.
• Green building project orientation
• Visual environment variety
• School participation in district life
• Development of educational trajectory
• Creating adaptive spaces
A school is a place where a student spends a part of his life. This place must be comfortable. It's important that the project of school has all the facilities and the variety of spaces needed for study and recreation. In this school emphasis is placed on the study of culture, physical development and creativity of students. In addition to the usual classes with desks in the building there are a sports center, a recording studio, an assembly hall-amphitheater. This big building doesn't look gloomy due to natural lighting penetrating the atrium, despite its size and simplicity of form. Based on the concept, the school should be a hybrid of building and "garden".

Project description

Space-planning solution:
The building has 3 floors. Consists of two buildings, united by the 2nd floor. It has four nodes of vertical communications.
The space-planning solution of the school building is dictated by the need to create cost-effective, convenient layout schemes, as well as the division into functional zones and blocks and the requirements for the organization of functional links.

Technical information

Functional organization:
The main task of the functional layout is the separation of primary and high schools. In the three-storey building of the U-shaped school volume, the blocks are attached to its central part from the western and eastern sides. In the left (western) wing there are educational premises of the primary school, in the right - the oldest. The main volume forms an atrium courtyard. In the central part on the 1st floor there is an entrance group of rooms with separate entrances for elementary, senior and primary schools, a wardrobe, a dining room for 300 places, a block of sports premises for an elementary school on the west side and a block of sports facilities for the main school - from the east, workshops primary school training, administrative premises. Floor height - 3.9 m.
On the second floor of the central part of the building are located: educational premises of primary and basic schools, administrative premises, an assembly hall for 300 places with outbuildings.
On the third floor of the central part of the volume are located: a library with a reading area, storage fund, demonstration space, a winter garden, classrooms for elementary, senior and primary schools.
Primary school teaching rooms are located on the first three floors of the building’s west wing. On the ground floor there are 1st class rooms with sleeping quarters. This group of premises has access to the zone of primary school games, the second exit is into the inner courtyard of the school.
On the second and third floors are classrooms 2-4 classes. The height of the floor is 3.9 m. The classrooms of the primary and high schools are located on three floors of the eastern wing. On the ground floor there are labor training workshops and classrooms.
Organized exits to the territory of sports, playgrounds and playgrounds for senior classes, as well as the inner courtyard of the school. On the 2nd and 3rd floors there are classrooms for basic schools, computer science classrooms, laboratory technicians, administrative offices, science classrooms, classrooms for high schools, laboratory technicians.

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