
Pontianak City Cycling Community Center

Elicia Javiera
Tanjungpura University

Project idea

According to Becker et al. (2018), bicycle is a sustainable transportation and it has been proved to make a significant contribution in making cities an attractive place to live. Cycling trend in Pontianak City has existed since 2000. In 2005 the Bike to Work community was formed and until now more than 20 bicycle communities have been formed in Pontianak City. Members of the cycling community need a place to gather and share their interest in cycling, also people need a safe place to play and practice cycling. This design is in line with the commitment of the Pontianak City Government to realize Pontianak City as a bicycle-friendly city. The main purpose is to provide an interactive, flexible, and combine meeting point with the shape of bicycle wheels as part of the design.

Project description

Users for this design based on each function. It have three function, such as main function for gathering place; support function for commercial, recreation and education; and service function for administrator and supplier. The design location is based on RTRW Pontianak City with the land allotment for RTH of sport field. This location was chosen based on the route that most cyclists go through in Pontianak City and pass by bicycle lane as the existing sidewalk in front of the site.

From analysis of cyclists in Pontianak City, I make eight groups of bicycles based on the results of the analysis of several active communities in Pontianak City, such as commuter bike, racing bike, folding bike, MTB, onthel bike, trial and BMX bike, electric bike, and fixie bike.

From cycling needs analysis, it have 12 needs. The main needs is gathering place. Other needs such as self-actualization (bike show off, healthy lifestyle), blend with nature (rest, get some fresh air), train skills (trial bike and BMX), eat and drink, social life (talking about bicycles, etc), photo spot, bike friendly park (accessible by bicycle), bike upgrades and buy bicycle accessories, the need to shower and change clothes, buy bicycle apparel and accessories, and checking the condition of the bike (tire pump, etc.).

Design concept based on the original form based on the regulations, design goals, and the results of the analysis that has been carried out. Then, using the analogy of bicycle wheel as a characteristic of a bicycle community center and reduction of shape to provide radial circulation paths in gathering functions and four-way circulation in commercial functions. To achieve connectivity, I added circular circulation paths to improve connectivity between functions in the design. On gathering function, mass split to create bicycle community clusters and on commercial function according to the needs and lifestyles of cyclists in Pontianak City. Last, I add secondary skin in the form of "corak insang" and cable structure of the bridge made an illusion of "tanjak" from the human scale and a bicycle wheel from a bird's eye view.

Technical information

Visitors enter through the front entrance. Motorized vehicles can park in the parking lot, while cyclists can enter through the existing sidewalk. Pedestrian paths are made higher as a differentiation, so that pedestrians can walk safely. The administrator and service enter through the administrator and service entrance. This area is bounded by a soft barrier, which uses pucuk merah tree.


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