
'REBIRTH' - Environmental Awareness & Spiritual Awakening Center

Nilma Tissakuttiarachchi
University of Moratuwa (UoM), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Moratuwa
Sri Lanka

Project idea

'Environmental Awareness through Spiritual Awakening' - Considering the present situation taking place in the world which has led to many problems, my main concept is to take the human into a deeper level of awareness while elevating the soul and the spirit of the human-being, through an experiential pathway. A great Awakening takes place through different phases such as calming the mind, achieving high vibrations and the emotional realization. While emphasizing the sustainable ways of living and the inherent qualities of the human-being, the objective is to restore the sacred 'Anima Mundi' of the whole universe back to create a better world.

The world of ecology emphasizes spiritual ecology as a universal factor which is more than physical world, more than physical bodies, which perceive through senses. Spiritual ecology is an exploration of the spiritual dimension of our present ecological crisis. It is an understanding that our present outer ecological crisis is a reflection of an inner spiritual crisis. It is working together with eco-systems as well as inner worlds and reawakening our awareness of what is sacred in all of creation. Considering the environment as not only the physical things like trees and animals, but also non-physical things. Basically, the whole universe including humans.

Spiritual ecology talks much more than our relationship with nature, like our interiors, with other human beings and the existence of all in the nature. The seven principles of evolving earth spirituality;

• Sacred relationship -Spirit that brings us forth in interdependence.
• Conscious evolution -Exploring how we as individuals and as a
species can move toward a way of living that embodies mutually
enhancing relations with all earth’s life forms and natural systems.
• Collective wisdom -The essence of the world’s wisdom traditions as
important sources for learning values of compassion, reverence and
gratitude, awaken a deeper contemporary wisdom.
• Mutual learning -mutual learning experiences as we create an earth
community listening and speaking from the heart. Informed by one
another’s wisdom and compassion.
• Conscious choice -Our daily choices, even the small and habitual
ones have an impact on earth’s species in both beneficial and
destructive ways. Seek to promote lifestyle that led to social justice,
sustainability and ecological security on earth.
• Inclusivity -Value earth’s diversity of life and respect the rights of
each species to flourish in its unique experience.
• Celebration -Celebrate the human role as a positive life enhancing
agent in earth’s unfolding story. Live in the wonder and mystery of
the living universe.

Due to the lack awareness of sacred, the ‘anima mundi’, the world’s soul is no longer part of our collective consciousness, root of everything sacred in creation. Thus, an awareness of a process of healing is much needed. A person’s subconscious mind is mainly focused to change the behavior of the human towards the nature to prevent outer ecological crisis as well as the inner crisis.

The concepts of a persons’ great soul which basically depends on the universal chakras, acts as a main factor in spiritual ecology. The design developed to give a hand to the person to get rid of their chakra blockages and to connect with the divine. The seven main chakra blockages are,
• Crown – Deals with pure cosmic energy and is blocked by earthly attachments.
• Third eye- deals with insight and is blocked by illusions.
• Throat – deals with truth and is blocked by lies
• Heart – deals with love and is blocked by grief.
• Solar plexus – deals with willpower and is blocked by shame
• Sacral – deals with pleasure and blocked by guilt.
• Root – deals with survival and blocked by fear.
Thus, the healing process of the human-being is achieved through this design focusing on these main chakra systems as minor chakras.

Different type of Spiritual Awakening programs take place around the world, example- in the great Himalayas. Therefore, I have chosen Haputale, as the context since it has been one of the main transitional hubs in Sri Lanka. Haputale will now be known as one of the stops for those spiritual seekers around the world.

Project description

The project is implemented by dividing the experiential pathway to different phases, in which elevates the mind and spirit in a sequence. Focusing the spiritual seekers as the user category, a spiritual journey named as ‘the seekers journey is created to elevate the soul and the spirit of the person. It guides the person who basically comes from the city to achieve the goal. There are several Cores of the design such as;

Core of cleanse - Cleansing pathway, firebathe, sauna, stream bath
Core of knowledge - Exhibition area, environmental library
Core of physical strength - Spa therapy area
Core of mind - Contemplation and water therapy
Core of high vibrations - Meditation, yoga and tai-chi
Core of soul - Emotion expression space

At the end of these processes the experiential pathway leads towards a forest trail where people can do their practices individually including meditation pods, tessellation areas, contemplation view points etc.
Though this might not be an one day process for most people, thus a forest hostel is also proposed including communal areas and private accommodation pods.

Technical information

The structures act as 'heat pockets' due to the placement of the structures, the shape and materials which responses well to the cold climate of Haputale area. Sustainable ways of living is emphasized by the use of materials. Bamboo has been used as the main structural material, while using ' Mana Grass' which can be easily found in the Haputale- the context area itself for the roof covering. Since this context is a very sensitive site, a very intuitive construction process has been proposed including simple bamboo joinery systems for the structures.

Even for the foundation, two sizes of tires has been used by filling them with gravel and earth. The structures are placed at different elevation levels responding to the context without harming the earth, while allowing the underplants to still grow. Not only the functions of the design but also the structure, materials, placements also contribute to the idea of ' Environmental Awareness".


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