
STU Tower Bratislava

Tomáš Jurko
FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Project idea

My architectonic solution creates new dominating feature in this area, with creation of multiple open spaces available for university usage in different ways. First idea of the concept had to deal with the building with heavy laboratories, which I decided to demolish. This process is divided into two phases. In the first phase, new individual building will be built for these laboratories. This building will be in different area from the previous one and will be fit into terrain. Following this heavy machinery will be relocated into the new building. In the second phase the old laboratories will be demolished, and, in its place, new high-rise building will be built in the centre of the area, connected to the newly built laboratories and with underground garage. With its height of 45 metres, it breaks the height limit, however, it will fit with two already existing high-rise building which are even higher, and thanks to many floors it will provide, it creates an open space in the campus turning it into much more attractive space for people, like plaza.
Visually, this new high-rise building reminds of double threaded spiral, like the structure of DNA, whose primary purpose is to store and spread information, which is also the main goal of university. Metaphorically speaking, spiral fibres represent public and university domain and connections that they are interlinked with are students, teachers, investors, and futures students. This represents the primary idea of my concept, creating a space where the university domain relates to public one with the purpose of creation of space for students and the future generations, and to create a building that is representative enough for STU and would serve as an advertisement of university, noticeable and intriguing for public with its height.

Project description

In the design I tried to create all the required areas as requested by STU. By moving the building with heavy laboratories, all the research areas are connected to the laboratory of heavy machinery in 1 PP, while the laboratories of heavy machinery are reaching through 2 floors into 2PP. Handling of these laboratories is connected in 2PP with underground garages, which are in 2PP and in 3PP and reach the capacity of 250 parking spaces.
The high-rise building consists of main communication core, consisting of three elevators and one staircase, all in accordance with fire regulations. First and second floors are big areas, creating entry hall with coffee shop in 1NP and connects to the rectorate on the second floor. On the third floor we find the areas dedicated to food consumption, smaller bistro, or pizzeria with 85 seating spaces. Next three floors are areas for students containing workshop, library and a digital library with computers which is on two floors. Everything is connected in and in addition there are ateliers and study rooms. From 7NP there are pillars left out and thus big open space areas are created. I use this space for conference centre on the seventh floor and on the following floors there are areas for start up centre and multipurpose areas. Everything is finished with the roof where students and public have access. It creates a great space for a free time viewing of surrounding area and is fitted with the elements of green like small garden for experiments, areas with extensive green and green coloured façade, which is located on the wall which separates and hides ventilation of the building. Areas around the building are designed primarily for students but also for public.

Technical information

Building consists of three underground and ten above the ground floors. Underground space is created with three dilation units. They consist of skeleton frame from ferrocement pillars in a specific grid of pillars and bearing walls from sacrificial formwork. Distances between pillars are maximum 7.5 m x 6 m, however, in heavy laboratories we will use beam ceiling, enabling us bigger distances between pillars. Skeleton construction of the proposed high-rise building connects on the construction of underground floors and is of course independently dilatated. Main reinforcing element is the ferrocement core, which goes through the entire building and contains vertical transportation system as well as room befitting high-rise building fire regulations. Grid of pillars is made in such a way, that higher floors could leave out one pillar to create open space areas. Because of the distance between the pillars, I recommend filling the space with two truss beams. Ceiling constructions are created by ceiling panels with additional ferrocement structure. Outside of the building is fitted with light glass cover, consisting of two filled in panels and one glass panel. Filled in panels are from PVC material in white colour and the outside layer is complemented by horizontal lamellae serving as shades and as a protection from building overheating. They also create a better look for the building. Lamellae are from aluminium from polycarbonate covered with black opaque pattern. Hight of the building is 45.5 m above ground and 9.3 below the ground level and is constructed on a slab with drive in piles under the high-rise.


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