
Dior beauty boutique

Ali Joursaraei
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

Architecture is more than just an engineering science, it should be considered as a philosophy for finding a way of understanding and dialogue with the boundless world. Architecture needs to be closer to the human and the physical form of the universe and creatures in order to create an emphasis in the structure of human identity. As the Utopia are now obsolete, and philosophers have confirmed that it is not possible to form it, the world is moving toward a humanistic heterotopy, a mirror against our world that embraces all that human beings desire to do. Humanistic philosophy in architecture wants to say that architecture must respect to senses atmosphere of its audience more than its instinctive needs, and seek to establish a unified and balanced system between its own living environment and its inhabitants. A conception of connotations between the concept of design and architecture and human, which is done only through a humanistic attitude and thought to construct and create a hysterical heterotopy. Hence, this require is felt in postmodern architecture that bring a person closer to the essence of being and the attachment of his/her identity and bring forth works that are in terms of form, material, body, and concept on a time-wise and body-level of its audience, allowing that human searching in its identity, in order to accomplish a dialectical identity with each other, to form a hologram of a unitary identity, in such a way, architecture can be considered as the savior of the unconsciousness and virtual mysterious existence of human today. Above all, at this project I tried my best to imagine and create a symbol of humanistic architecture.

Project description

This 3 store storehouse is designed with a common aesthetic language. All of the different accesses and applications in the project are designed according to how the audience is welcomed. For the outer face, carbon material is used to change color and structure. In the interior, an attempt has been made to focus on the audience as the main element of the plan. All lines with urban feasibility can be upgraded.

Technical information

Like all urban-scale design projects and user-friendly products, the project started with lines on paper and ideas from the landlord side. After the study and field studies of the concept and the main rhythm of the project, they became full of completeness to express and ready to be expressed. But unlike most commercial projects, the project is unique in this perspective because it has the ability to change the formal and structural situation.



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