
Waonton Restaurant

Haydian Susanto
Petra Christian University

Project idea

Waonton Restaurant's main design idea started from a simple shape: a bowl. Why bowl? Bowl is a representation; an instrument used to serve food with broth, which is the same case for a Cantonese Wonton Noodle Soup that is served in this restaurant. That is the main idea, that are developed through sketches and experiments of shapes, becoming the Waonton Restaurant. How about the facade? The usage of timber as the facade and the identity of this building is to represent Indonesia, a country that are rich of its nature, forests and woods.

Project description

Waonton Restaurant (A Cantonese Wonton Noodle Soup Restaurant) is a conceptual public building that is located in Lapangan Anta, Siwalankerto, Surabaya, Indonesia. Located in an urbanized area, surrounded by housings and shops, this building's main aim is to create an iconic yet eye-catching building. Other aims, such as the usage of glass between the triangular timbers is to create an opened and public impression. About the function, this restaurant serves the traditional and authentic Wonton Noodle Soup as its main course, and yet other Chinese foods and beverages as well. The first floor provides cafe-style and bar-style seating, whereas the second floor provides family seating. There are also other public area around the Waonton Restaurant, such as sunken plaza, plaza, and a lot of green area parks with trees as shadings.

Technical information

The first floor plan's dimension are 12 meters diameter, and the second floor plan's dimension 15 meters diameter. First floor's elevation is +0.00, and second floor's elevation is +3.70. This buildings total height is 9.7 meters tall. The facade and the face of the building is formed by construction timber logs (with supported steel inside the timber logs) to create an impression of timber. The steel inside the timber strengthen the timber itself, and also create and opportunity of a stronger joint between one log to another log. The bonding of triangular structures of timber functions as the building structure and also creates an expression of the strength and opportunity of timber as well.

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