
Oddly friend(Cabin within wood)

Pokhara University

Project idea

Oddly friend(Cabin within Woods) falls among one of the projects under heading Space Composition given as assignment by our subject teachers.

The space composed was to be within maximum area 400 square feets and maximum height 15 feet to be made for single creative person.We could take one of our hobbies as creative work and design a creative space for ourselves as well.

Since we are 1st year students.Project submission was in sheet format in A2 size and manual model was compulsory.The sheet was to be designed such that it itself speaks a lot about project so there are stuffed descriptions in sheets itself.

Our project submission was in three phases: conceptual submission,working phase and final submission.

Project description

Why literature?
I love literature since my childhood so I decided to create narrow,natural,confined literatural space where I could turn my emotions into words which can connect to others going through such phases.

Memory as inspiration:
The straw mat picture series in my pdf shows that when I was small I used to make circular space of it, sit inside and read books so taking inspiration from that I decided to compose a confined dark space which I prefer for my literary work.

Shipping form and function together:
My motive was to take form and function together so I worked for it and finally decided to take tree trunk shape as form cause it's compatible to the woody surrounding so that is how I gave my design name "Oddly friend" since it's exterior look is like of tree and also chopped off trunk indicates the vanity of earthly greatness which writers mostly take as metaphor in their work.Taking tree trunk also helped me to create interior spaces as I desired because when we look to the cross section of tree,the concentric ring goes on narrowing so I decided to do zoning according to it,the broadest part for the living room,working space ,kitchen,etc and inner to it washrooms,garbhagriha,place to keep my totems,etc and the innermost for doing my literary work(the most confined one )in ground floor.The narrowing of the space also refers to the life cycle of human being and since I love to write about our daily life struggles,coming of age,life cycle so,the space turned out like I wanted depending on the taste of my literature.

Zoning in floors:
Zoning of ground floor is done as I have mentioned earlier.The first floor comprises of bedroom,fireplace and mini personal library while the top floor is also accessible as a place to observe nature and learn from it cause nature itself is greatest art&artist of all time.The ladder that I have shown in pdf is used to access from floor to floor while the openable circular door in top also acts as oculus and serve as only source for light and ventilation down to creative writing space in ground floor.

Using the structural defect in cross section of tree called check which narrows from bark to pith and stops the growth of tree,I used it for narrowing of door while going from outer to inner part symbolising entrance as our birth and the innermost part as death.For windows,I used knot like structure of tree symbolising the beauty of nature that lies within imperfection.The windows which can be seen in elevations are derived for various activities that I like to do and inspire me to write which I have described in my pdf in detail.

Material selection:
I wanted the space to appeal all of my senses that creates nostalgia effect to inspire me to write so I chose wood because I have spent most of my childhood in my village living in wooden house ,played in jungles with woods.In addition it would blend well with surrounding.Mainly bark like rough wooden structure in exterior and polished wood in interior that would juxtapose each other.

Specification of space:
Since the space was to be made for single person so it has got specific features rather than general to which I or any other literature writer who has same taste in literature as mine,philocalist,nature lover,loves dark and confined space,finds beauty in imperfection can connect to.Considering psyche of literature writer I think I met the requirements of my assignment.

Technical information

The assignment given to us was abstract mainly focusing on the type of space we students form and not on the technicality of it.I would like the outermost wall of the design to be rough bark type and load bearing monolithic type and would like furnitures to be irregular too that has country like smell.

And I haven't used any software for the project.But use the coffee theme for my sheets.In conceptual phase,I have stained the sheet with coffee while in working phase submission I stained tracing paper with coffee and wrote in it.And for final submission I made ink with coffee and did all the lettering with it.Yeah,that's all I can say as 1st year student of Bachelor in Architecture.


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