
Ревитализация Детского центра "Горный Родник" в МО Новороссийск

Эвелина Кокора
Kuban State University
Russian Federation

Project idea

The author of the project: Kokora Evelina Evgenievna
Project manager: Kuzmenko Alexander Nikolaevich

Revitalization, which means renewal from Latin, literally-return to life, will help to realize the main goal of this work – namely, the restart of the infrastructure of the existing children's center, in which it will become more convenient and in demand for children's recreation.
The design site is located in the Municipal District of Novorossiysk in the village of shirokaya Balka. Novorossiysk is 150 km away from Krasnodar.
The village of Shirokaya Balka is located in the south of Novorossiysk, on the Black Sea coast, which is 20 minutes away by car from the city center.
Shirokaya Balka is the center of a resort holiday in Novorossiysk.
The territory of the center is unique in that it is located in close proximity to the Black Sea coast, surrounded by juniper forests and hilly terrain. The area of the center is 2.93 hectares.
It is worth noting that the children's center works all year round and conducts a camp program with an English-speaking orientation.
After analyzing the territory of the children's center, weaknesses were identified. Such problem areas were outdated buildings that are subject to demolition, existing capital construction projects that do not interact with each other and the camp program, the lack of informal platforms for communication. as well as non-ordered functional zoning.
Along with the problems, the main points of attraction, the main traffic flows and terrain differences, which are up to 8 meters, were identified.

Project description

Therefore, the starting point in the design of the master plan was the ordering of the functional scheme of the camp and the subordination of the architecture to the program of the children's center, taking into account the existing context.
The plan is based on the beam structure, in which the interaction between the sleeping buildings (in which children purposefully come at least 4 times a day) and the other elements of the master plan is carried out. An architectural and stylistic feature is the dispersal of sleeping buildings in the residential area, instead of one large building, thereby providing "freedom" of movement of children and a sense of belonging to nature.
The image of buildings and houses will serve as a reference to tent camps, having a gable roof. And the shaping of the facade is a reference to the structure of the tree.

Technical information

The plot area within the boundaries of the master plan is 2.93 hectares
Building area: 4770,45 m2
Landscaping area: 1832 m2
Surface area of: 6043 m2
The area of the asphalt pavement is 3315 m2
The area of pavement coverings is 1109 m2
The area of coverage of fire passageways (lawn grid): 9 757.8 m2
The area of wooden flooring coverings is 919 m2
The area of the pebble coverings is 700 m2
The area of the rubber coating of playgrounds is 1,981 m2
The surface area of sports grounds is 2046 m2
The total number of parking spaces is 10 m/m
The maximum elevation of the relief is 11300 m

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