

Magdalena Dimkovska, Angela Gjorgjieva
UACS | University American College Skopje

Project idea

The name of the project – AXIS OF MOTION represents the line of movement in the color of the STU logo that starts on the floor on the courtyard, through the existing repurposed laboratory and finishes in the newly proposed tower. This shade of color was chosen so the students feel welcomed and a part of the university in each space in the courtyard. This axis not only it divides the courtyard into two parts - the first one is green area, and the second one is the academic plaza, but it also emphasizes the different levels in the courtyard which are mainly connected with a big multipurpose staircase that can serve as an informal outdoor amphitheater as well. Additional connections are made with the connecting bridges between the faculties up in the air.

Project description

The goal for this project was to create a conceptual design of the STU campus courtyard and to create a solution for a new center of innovation in Bratislava.
The main idea of this project was to create an academic environment outdoor as well as indoor and to preserve as much as possible from the big open space in the courtyard available for the public. The project would like to generate a great impact to the STU students as well as other visitors, but still respecting the placements of the older buildings and old meeting spaces. Its goal is to raise the university to a higher level in order to attract more students by creating a welcoming environment.

Technical information

The small footprint created from the the two buildings on the site (new one and existing one), leave the rest of the courtyard free and open. On the unbuild area we made a denivelated separation of the coutyard on two zones: green area and academic plaza. The separation is emphasized through the line painted in the shade of the STU logo starting horizontally from the courtyard continuing through the laboratory and ending on the tower façade.


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