
Women's Habitat

Ana Waqar
National College of Arts, Department of Architecture, Lahore

Project idea

In Pakistan, Gender and depleted infrastructure are intrinsically linked as women find themselves in spatial poverty traps where they are both spatially and socially marginalized. Physical violence intersects with issues of mobility, service provision, and economic opportunities with women finding themselves stuck in abusive homes/relationships. There remains a strong need for a holistic resettlement process that takes into account the internal environment of a shelter home coupled with the conductive external environment of communities in which they are situated. The Women's Habitat I propose aims to form a socio-culture collective, a community of empowered women in a healing and secure environment. Victims of trauma shouldn't be expected to lead their entire lives with uncertainty and financial dependence (as is the case with state-run shelters) but need a stable setting to heal and grow.

Project description

Women's Habitat is a meeting, working, and living space for women seeking freedom from violence, providing a clear path from transitional to the permanent supportive housing program. The architecture will employ trauma-informed design whereby the layout will be legible, straightforward with clear sightlines to facilitate trauma victims' hyper-vigilant slowed thinking. Biophilic architecture to create healing connection with nature and balancing needs of security with openness through courtyard planning. A general focus on facilitating single mothers/women seeking economic independence through ideas of natural surveillance and integrating living working spaces.

Technical information

- Women with Marital Problems (with or without children)
- Single Women with family conflicts/ widows/with no support system/fleeing persecution (with or without children)

- Emergency Transitional Home (PHASE 1)- 12 beds
-Administrative Offices + Legal Aid
-Second phase permanent supportive housing (48 women + 90 children)
microfinance scheme
- Vocational Training Classrooms
-Educational Classrooms
-Embroidery/ Stitching/ Rattan Furniture
-Finance Saving Group
-Workshops to be conducted by nearby local businesses + community partners
-Outdoor play Courtyard
-Therapy Rooms for Music and Yoga
-Communal Kitchen


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