
Pedestrian and cyclist bridge Prague- Troja

Lucie Medová
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

Pedestrian and cyclist connection of Prague ZOO with its surroundings. The bridge spans not only the river and but also adjacent banks to preserve a local biotope. The bridge is shaped as a free elegant form, subtile to allow attractive views on the river. A bridge deck waves along the length of the bridge, nearly without a touch, providing places to sit and admire the river.

Project description

The project is consists of a design of a pedestrian bridge with material and construction design. Preliminary static calculations have been made to verify the premises. Construction details of a bridge deck in connection to load bearing structure, seating and lighting equipment are parts of the project too. As a bonus the design contains also arrangement of a Troja bank with a relax park, a cafe and an open dancing hall.

Technical information

Main load bearing element is an arched concrete 2m high beam supported by side concrete shell wings. The span reaches 126m. The hight of the structure has been predetermined to allow a flood q100 level to go under the bridge. The thinness of the structure is enabled by use of high strength concrete C55/67 and a lightweight bridge deck made from two steel tubes.

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