
Hue Cycle

Michelle Angela, Yusuf Ariyanto S.T. M.Ars., Ars. Marianne Tunggadewi Juluk Dwiputri ST. M.Ars.
Ciputra University (UC / Universitas Ciputra)

Project idea

How to produce a uniquely design building which assimilates to it's surrounding environment, as a center that improves the overall academic spirit for it's users mid-pandemic.

Project description

Hue Cycle answers the problem by using color that is contrast from its surrounding but still have similarity in shape with the existing building of STU. Through this concept, it is hoped that STU Center can help build better relationships and communication between students where they can focus more on creativity than productivity. Generate areas that arouse student interest in learning.

Technical information

Hue Cycle attractive colors represent 7 faculties of STU (green, yellow, orange, red, dark blue, light blue, and gray). In hope that this building can represent all of the 7 faculties. In addition, the use of color makes the building stand out and attract attention.


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