
International Sport Park

Perla Abou Sleiman
USEK - Holy spirit University of Kaslik

Project idea

After having located the land in Ghobeiry - Beirut, near Camille Chamoun Stadium, it is necessary to make an analysis of the site. Taking into consideration the study conducted on the environment, a difference between two areas can be identified: the poor area of the Palestinian camp of Sabra and the rich area containing luxurious residential buildings.
Two different lifestyles on the outskirts of Camille Chamoun's Sports City.
In addition, the land is closed and not accessible; the lack of facilities to
accommodate the international public is an existing problem. We add the Fruits and vegetables Market(Souk El Khodra) omnipresent in the site which disturbs the landscape.
So the objective of the project is to design spaces with international and public potential, able to welcome visitors in large numbers and defining the exchange spaces, squares and plots. The project must be a pole of attraction for the general public, residents, the surrounding area and tourists in the first place, creating a phenomenon of interaction between the inhabitants of the cities and their surroundings. Ensuring the latter will reduce conflicts among others.
And finally, it will contribute to a revitalization of the area: the sports city, giving life to this sports Stadium of Camille Chamoun through the extension of the functions that are related to the stadium.

Project description

Interface Wall - Project Between Two Cultures
According to my perception, I decided to isolate the fruits and vegetables market in the wall that is in relation with the existing secondary road behind the project, and adding a mobile market to the fixed market integrated in the wall that comes in contact with the camp.
This subdividing wall contains the following functions:
Administration, Exterior sport facilities, the Market(Ground floor), restaurants, gym, healthcare center.
So I propose to develop an International Sports Park that has the role of a screen that frames the sports event and isolates the camp, a boundary between the two areas; the Sabra area and the sports area: the project. So we reacted to the delimitation of Sabra, making a façade near the camp, worthy of the Lebanese culture. Through the footbridges coming out of the wall, the project is conceived as a unit: the wall and the functions of the sport Centers. A breakthrough all along the site will define the squares and plots until arriving at the hotel designed as a signal element, vertical in the composition of the project.
This green international City, leaves the freedom to the individual to walk from one function to another. The individual is active and not passive. He creates his own walk through a cycle and pedestrian path, which connects the entire project.
In the same way the project is open to the city, the street, the greenery,
the wide variety of programs: training centers, restaurants, the Olympic aquatic center, outdoor fields and others.

Technical information

- Truss Frame Structure: Training Centers - Aquatic Center
- Truss Elevation Structure : Hotel
- Green Roofs and landscape: Upper Levels(Hotel) - Fast growing trees
- Stack Ventilation: Hotel
- Low embodied carbon footprint Materials: Wood, Steel, Concrete


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