

FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Czech Republic

Project idea


Project description

"My home, my dream"
We all have a home, an environment in which we live, and we all have our dreams. When analysing my home, its positives and negatives, I have often come across a problem concerning the environment. Specifically, waste.

The concept of my project is to draw people's attention to the situation. I did a survey regarding the waste in our village, how much of what we as a village produce + the waste that is found freely dumped in our village. I started to plan my project regarding a happening in the park of our village, got permissions from the mayor of the village, but unfortunately I was not able to implement it in the end due to the situation with the corona virus. The idea was that the waste that would have been collected in our village could have been recycled into building materials. According to my calculations, within half a year, enough waste would certainly have been collected to build a single family house.

"Môj domov, môj sen"
Každý máme nejaký svoj domov, prostredie v ktorom žijeme a taktiež máme každý svoje sny. Pri analýze môjho domova, jeho pozitív a negatív, som často narazila na problém týkajúci sa životného prostredia. Konkrétne je to odpad.

Konceptom môjho projektu je upozorniť ľudí na danú situáciu. Spravila som si prieskum v súvislosti odpadom v našej obci, koľko čoho ako dedina vyprodukujeme + odpad, ktorí sa nachádza voľne pohodený na území našej obce. Začala som plánovať svoj projekt ohľadom happeningu v parku našej obci, získala povolenia od starostu obce, no bohužiaľ sa mi to kvôli situácií s korona vírusom napokon nepodarilo zrealizovať. Ide o to, že z odpadu, ktorí by sa v našej obci vyzbieral, by sa dal tento odpad zrecyklovať na stavebný materiál. Podľa mojich výpočtov by sa do pol roka určite vyzbieralo toľko množstva odpadu, že by sa z neho dal postaviť jeden rodinný dom.

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