

FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Czech Republic

Project idea

A law is a code of conduct modifying human behavior. However, as we all know, they are often broken. Are there any unbreakable laws? Yes, those that come from nature itself. Yet we still try to gain control, commanding when it should rain, where the river should run, where a tree should grow, we attempt to enforce new rules. The harder we fight her, the stronger she retaliates. We do it all just for ourselves, for our comfort, for the moment of awe when we enter a soaking wet forest smelling of mushrooms and moss. In the end, we return to our homes and leave all the beauty behind. We don't care about what nature truly offers to us, we don´t care, what we give back.
We believe this is wrong. We didn't come from nature just to destroy it. We shouldn't fight it. As we walk through the trees towards Jeseník, we observe the majestic green silhouettes surrounding its valley. The city is engulfed in a mix of curative springs, clean air and unrestrained flora.
We come to understand how hard nature tries to be a part of our everyday life. Our goal is to find balance and prosperity in symbiosis with nature.

Zákon, je právna norma upravujúca konanie a vzťahy ľudí. Dobre vieme, že zákony sa často porušujú. Existuje ale taký zákon, ktorý nikto nikdy neporuší ? Je to zákon prírody. A my sa stále snažíme získať nad ňou moc, rozkazujeme, kedy má pršať, kedy má byť zima, kadiaľ má tiecť rieka, kde má aký strom rásť, vymýšľame jej nové pravidlá, podľa ktorých sa má ona riadiť. Čím urputnejšie s ňou bojujeme, tým viac nám dáva pocítiť svoju silu. A robíme to všetko len pre seba, pre naše pohodlie a aby sme mohli pokrytecky hýkať, keď vojdeme do vôňou machu nasiaknutého lesa, kde sa slnko nežne preplieta pomedzi pavučiny a kvapky rosy iskrivo skáču po lístkoch papradí. Nakoniec prídeme z lesa a bujné rozplývanie sa nad krásami prírody odíde. Už nás nezaujíma čo nám príroda dáva a čo jej my vraciame. Nemyslíme si, že toto je tá správna cesta. Príroda nás nestvorila, aby nás zabila. Netreba s ňou bojovať. Sama ona nám predsa dala život. Cesty ako stuhy natiahnuté medzi stromami nás vedú do Jeseníka. Do mesta, do ktorého stačí len cestovať autobusom, aby človek blažený neodlepil nos zo skla okna, kochajúc sa zelenými siluetami. Do mesta, kde sa živly vody, vzduchu a zeme rozpínavo natískajú tak silno k sebe, že nás jeho atmosféra pohlcuje. Prichádzame, aby sme my, študenti fakulty architektúry pochopili, že príroda chce stáť pri nás a pomáhať nám v každodennom bytí. Ide nám o to, aby sme odhalili jej vedomie, s pomocou ktorého vieme budovať vlastnú prosperitu na prosperite prírody. Nečakajme na vlak, budúcnosť stojí pred dverami.

Project description

Jeseník - a town nestled between hills, forests and meadows. A city that combines wild greenery, which suffers from declining population, lack of work, homelessness. But at the same time it is full of beauty and the forces of nature. The wind, the abundance of water and its enchanting nature attract tourists from different countries.
In my proposal, I focus on solving social stimuli obtained directly from people in Jeseník. Many appealed to the height of homelessness and the gathering of a certain group of people. Therefore, I am focusing on this problem and looking for a possible solution that would help to integrate these people into everyday life and at the same time increase safety on the streets. These functions are created in an effort to offer help, but the way it is currently addressed does not bear fruit.
Another essential part is the work with local resources, construction, history and the effort for partial food and energy self-sufficiency using modern technology. In the proposal, I determine ecologically suitable ways that put man and nature into a harmonious relationship, where they form one whole. I focus on the design of community spaces in the form of public spaces and community housing, where I directly apply these principles. The gradual urban wilderness grows into ecologically partly energy and food self-sufficient housing, and in residential complexes full of functions that retain water in the country, purify it and at the same time serve for research, community life, sports, local production and bring the inhabitants of Jeseník a look at new ecologically undemanding way of life.

Technical information

The buildings use energy from renewable sources. They focus on wind energy, which is captured by the Savonius and Giromill vertical turbines. Water energy is captured by small water vortex turbines, which form the building basis for bridging across the river. Energy from the sun is captured by biological solar panels, which use bacteria as a basis for the conversion of solar energy. The energy is stored using zinc batteries, which are planned, along with wind turbines in the last phase of phasing in the development of the city. Sustainability, nature conservation, efficiency and the likelihood of future use and development were the main criteria in the selection of turbines, panels and batteries.

The buildings are built of local material - wood, which is further processed into the form of CLT panels. Remains of CLT panels from windows and doors are used for furniture or recycled.
The whole building is a data collection thanks to the IOT system, which collects this information and then sells it for the benefit of the city.

The paved areas are formed by green islands that direct the flow of people, grass paving and threshing material for the water in the area. Water retention is through rain gardens, retention ponds and green roofs.

The shape of the buildings is based on history - the houses are as if wrapped in a white mantle, which protects the wooden part of the building and wraps around it along with the staircase. This moment is inspired by the Jesenice house, where in the past the lower stone part protected the higher wooden part from the water.

The interior is created on the basis of the actual atmosphere that the rooms should bring. Wooden slats placed on the facade complete the atmosphere of the apartments, where light penetrating the bottom comes through vertical openings in the rays centered with the shadow. The passage of time and the movement of the sun emphasizes the very being and flow in space.


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