

Jakub Nohejl, Martin Vojtíšek
FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Czech Republic

Project idea

Disgust, contempt and other situations can arise in the opinions of all of us. There are things that are not easy to understand, especialy at first glance. However, a certain amount of effort is needed to understand certain thing.
It is easy to judge things that are old and things we do not understand. This judgement often means loss of quality in our eyes. Nowadays, we are forced to evaluate things quickly with prejudices. It is good to stop for a moment and remind ourselves that the first impression is not everything and that there are things that deserve our attention.
The aim of our work is to point out this problematics and help others to understand this, or change their opinion. For example, to the "ugliest building in Olomouc".

Project description

Návrh rekonstrukce bývalé přírodovědecké fakulty v srdci Hejčína reaguje na tendence k její demolici a k faktu, že jde o jednu z nejvíce nenáviděných staveb v Olomouci. Přístup k rekonverzi je jedinečný, využívá reorganizace stavebních dílců a nastiňuje obrovské možnosti konverze prefabrikovaných budov a dokazuje jejich širokou flexibilitu. Návrh vychází z analýzy struktury stavby a z pochopení její jedinečnosti. Její kvality se snažíme zachovat a dále podpořit. Návrh dává důraz na její historii a rozšiřuje možnosti jejího dalšího využití. Transformuje stávající budovu ve volně přístupnou platformu s prostory k zapůjčení komukoliv.

Reconstruction of the former faculty of science in the heart of Hejčín responds to tendencies toward its demolition. It is so, because it is between the most hated buildings in Olomouc. This approach of reconversion is unique. We use reorganisation of the components from the existing building. We show their wide flexibility for reconversion of prefabricated buildings. The design is based on analysis of the building structure and understanding of its unique elements. We try to preserve and support its qualities. We try to emphasise its history and expand the possibilities of its further use. We designed the existing building into a freely accessible platform for everyone.

Technical information

We reused current construction elements in this conversion. We added stairs and few platforms for better circulation.


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