Urban Design and Landscape

Thesis Project on Negotiating The Boundaries to Embrace Culture.

Faryal Shahid

Project idea

The research of this thesis focuses on the understanding of boundaries affecting public spaces and analysis of them from a micro scale, factors involved in the diminishing of existing amenities and how active strategies can help negotiate these boundaries, providing everyone a breathable space.
Furthermore, I intend to explore methods of keeping such spaces alive through continuous activities, by reclaiming these places for the people that provide beneficial opportunities and ownership.

Project description

Karachi is a metropolitan city with a population growing by the minute resulting urbanization and compromising amenity spaces. The scope of the project focuses on reclaiming those spaces through active strategies. The constraints of the projects are the boundaries affecting these spaces mainly, administrative, Environmental and physical. Raising the thesis question of how we can negotiate those boundaries?

Project Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7bKZrbmsZg&feature=youtu.be

Technical information

sustainability was kept in mind for the selection of material used in the design such as plastic waste or the use of the same soil found at the site for construction. such materials were introduced as a strategy to encourage the neighborhood to help build this project resulting in community involvement.


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