

Samin Javanmardi, Pouya Okhovat
Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan (Isfahan)
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

Main growth of kids' minds, usually happens by the age of 6. The more indirect education they get by this time, the better their “Garner Intelligence” will be formed (which means they would be more prepared for direct education later). In order to provide children with better indirect education, we should make them, some dynamic safe spaces, and also teach parents the child-centered and game-centered ways of raising children before starting school. This is the best way that can lead our children to improve some of their vital traits like sense of adequacy, communicating and decision making.
During pre-education, there are some plans for both kids and their trainers, which can help children learn different skills, improve them, and emerge their talents and interests in a better way. These plans may also indicate some of their probable mental or physical problems (e.g. lack of concentration, coordination of their body organs, etc.). As a result, some activities could be planned for the child, to improve one's learning abilities in future.
The built environment can provide a kind of space which kids love and feel comfortable there. In order to reach high levels of self-confidence and self-reliance, this place should help kids feel safe. This way, the children would not only be more able to communicate with their environment (through five main senses), but also can enthusiastically show their talents and interests to the others, which can help them have better interactions in society, in near future.
Since this place presents primary education to many people, some specific spaces have been designed in the site, in which children can communicate to the other children at their age (as a smaller society). These places are also capable of holding some traditional or religious ceremonies. Overall, these activities can gradually get children ready for future.
In this design, about 12% of site is built place and we used other parts to complete indirect education by using natural elements (e.g. plants, water, etc.) and outdoor activities. Since this area has a few amusement spaces for kids, we designed a playground on the entrance of site which can be used as a local park, even when the school is closed.

Project description

Education has always been one of the most important and inseparable plans for each person and civilization. Learning starts at early age, forms kids’ minds and will always stick to them. Since kids have different mental and physical conditions, we are able to improve the education quality by personalizing education based on their interests, abilities and difficulties. So we need a pre-education system which includes indirect learning that would make kids ready for school
In this design, we tried to create a game-based space, consisted of indoor and outdoor parts, which provides the pre education activities. This design was planned to make kids feel comfortable and safe; so they will be able to communicate with this place and as a result, their interests, talents and problems would be realized.
This space includes some modular buildings, arranged in site and formed some yards to hold other activities and plans. Each modular building is planned for function which results 3 main templates (indoor learning, service, performance space). These buildings are designed based on circle which is the best form for kids (because of dynamic form) and also was used in many of Indian buildings. Our designed buildings are made of a wooden grid as main structure, with some coconut husk boards and colored glass.
The outdoor activities are arranged as some round yards and form the site plan. Since this area has a few amusement spaces for kids, we designed a playground on the entrance of site, separated from the street by the east wall and can be used as a local park even when the school is closed. This yard has one door on each side (east, west) that makes it completely controllable and safe.
Because of modular design, we are able to arrange them in different ways; so this design can be used in different parts of the town.

Technical information

In order not to damage the environment, our approach got to be using indigenous materials from the site; in a way that each modular building is made from a wooden grid on designed shape as main structure which filled with colored glass or “coconut husk boards”. These panels are made from coconut shells under high pressure and temperature without using any chemicals, and they are also harder than plywood. Coconut shells could be found everywhere on site; so using these panels has no harm for our environment and will save many trees. These panels can also help to reduce heat and humidity, which is good for controlling interior conditions.


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