

Putra University, Malaysia (UPM), Faculty of Design and Architecture (FRSB), Serdang, Selangor

Project idea

Reconnecting urban life with nature through a flowing shopping experience…

As mentioned by D.K.Ching, since we move in time, through a sequence of spaces, we experience a space in relation to where we’ve been and where we anticipate going. By using the path as a transitional space, the path, also acting as a guide and circulation for the citizen to create a ‘spatial opportunity’ for range of activities. Transitional path is able to take up the function of the nearby space. This focused our space can act as ‘spill over; for the surrounding tasks.

In Malaysia, 41% of 25 to 34 year olds believe there is sometimes an expectation from their boss or employer to work outside their normal hours, while 26% of them stated that they feel pressure to work outside their regular work day. Here rise of mental health problems among the workforce and poor habits. Most of the employees traveling daily with the public transport, but what if the travel experience design to respond to their feeling, and psychologically boost their mood through the traveling path to work?

Project description

The intention of the project is to become a guideline for cities to benchmark their ability to support the fulfilment of residents’ lives by improving the aspects of life which help relieve work-related stress and intensity. As a community centre where people meet, it is planned to be carefully planned according to the path-space relationships.

Technical information

About the design…

As a community centre located near to the TOD –LRT Taman Jaya, The skywalk winning the opportunity to provide outdoor common gathering space which serve the citizens and the TOD users. It’s responding to the tropical heat and dense living condition where there is not much space for the outdoor. In the modern-day, stress and depression created among students and employees, a space or a place needed indeed to heal and physiologically spread positive and active life style.

The skywalk is a commercial development in the city centre and attempt to create new active community space where people comfortably enjoy it at any time of the year. The design of the building proposes a vertical open-air public space and a green path visually connecting the TOD at the higher ground. Along the paths, there are green garden, retails, event spaces, common spaces and seating. The area between are well shaded from the sun.

90% of the spaces are airy semi-outdoor space and well incorporated with gardens on all levels. It becomes an active vertical urban living area, a new place for relaxing in any seasons. The wide staircase with its gradual series of steps and platforms connecting the street level to the first floor naturally draws people to walk up leisurely. All retails are 45 degree oriented to respond to the pedestrian users to increase the commercial attraction.

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