Urban Design and Landscape

Design of a new Cruise port in Tabarka, Tunisia

Mohamed nejib Toumi, Mohamed Amine abid , Nour Ben Jaafar
École Nationale d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (ENAU) Tunis

Project idea

The project consists in designing a new cruise port and a ferry terminal near the existing marina and the fishing harbour of Tabarka, and rethinking the city. The aim of the project is to dynamize the tourism and the economy of the city and create a new connection between visitors and citizens.
The small town of Tabarka is located in the north of Tunisia. It is famous for its landscape, bringing together sea and forest and providing a rich environment for ecological tourism. It is also known for coral fishing and underwater diving. It has a strategic geographic location and represents an intersection of different regions in the Mediterranean basin.
The main Concept of the project proposed is related to the context. Our goal was to profit from the site potentials by integrating the natural landscape in our design, and to implement green infrastructures, with the aim of Promoting urban sustainability.

Project description

We created connections between the new cruise port and the city center, in order to activate the ecotourism and give the tourists the opportunity to discover the natural treasures of the city.
We implemented also a multimodal station on an abandoned site at the entrance of the city, to reduce traffic problems and promote pedestrian walking. This station can link also the city center with the touristic zone of Tabarka as well as the nearest airport to facilitate the transportation of tourists.

Technical information

The project proposed presents an affordable solution that allows a maximum use of the existing site and benefit from the city potentials, while matching the natural context and promoting sustainability.

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