Interior Design


Sera İpekçioğlu
Baskent University

Project idea

Tutti Insieme is a project based on Tartufo di Pizzo, an Italian street dessert. Street culture is the main point of this project, Tartufo di Pizzo.
The following words are the concept words for this project ; nest, intimacy, dynamism, path - icon, fulnness - space, active, new generation. The project idea is to design a cafe which came from a dessert. Like it said in the beginning. This project based on an Italin strred dessert. Project location is in a open space plaza.

Project description

Street culture is the main point of Tutti Insieme. 3 of Italy's cities have been selected which are Bologna, Verona and Rome. These certain areas have been intersected from their city plans which is taken from the maps. A gridal system was created on their intersected area. Some places have been scaneed on this area and some places have been left blank. This process is matching with the concept word fullness - space. Some of the scanned areas have been exploded and as a result of this process the concept model is created. On the other hand the scanned areas and blank areas helped this project with th function plan layout.

Technical information

In Tuttİ Insieme, the main construction material is concrete. Because of the level differences on the floor and as a result of this project stability this material is chosen. After the concrete there are some insulations for maintain the heat in the inside and floor. The walls are made of YTONG and drywalls. The ceiling are suspended ceilings which are modular and easy to construct. The glasseswhich are used in this project are double sided. And fot the take out zone in this project the wall system is trombe wall system. Recessed lightning is used as well.

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