
A Piece of Pottery

Anna Aleksandrova,Aleksandr Shadrin, Adelinа Abdullina Tutors: Ilnar Akhtiamov and Rezeda Akhtiamova
Russian Federation

Project idea

Art, whatever it is, always carries the message. Through creation, man seeks to pass on the information, revealing new views on things. Culture is a library, a repository where all human discovery. Information about the memory of generations passed to us from our ancestors in the form of iconic items. Including through the dances. Which play a Special role. In its movements, the rhythm of a hidden integer for the characters, telling us about a particular event.
How to connect static fixed architecture with lively and ever-changing energy of the dance?
To search for the answer we turned to the messages coming to us from the origins of culture - and specifically to the architectural forms of settlements in Africa.
To transmit something to give it shape - clay has long been used for these purposes. Dishes, books, furniture, houses - all produced sharp movements of the fingers of the person. Creation of objects is not restricted to the functions of the shelter or container. They were decorated with ornaments took the form of animals or plants, protects from harm or telling in rock history.
Therefore, to create a cultural object of city value, you need to hold the accumulated cultural layer of the city to each resident chuvstvoval relationship with him.
When placing buildings used the traditional principle of urban settlements of Africa with houses gathered around a shared open courtyard and one space seamlessly flows into another.
The concept of the project:
The volume as a container of functions become vessels that unite with each other, open space scenes, where everyone can express themselves. Each pad gets its thematic role.

Project description

Area show is a tall, dominant structure consisting of clay and wood.
A big installation includes: the amphitheatre with internal and external scene, space, fun, ramp - terrace with a viewing platform. You can also use the design to organize the exhibition space.
Area show connected with area work, where there is an auditorium with an existing stage.
On the one hand the installation is a platform with outlets with the placement of advertisements and signage. On the other hand: your cash, parcel area, space for temporary stalls.
center all areas. Here constantly there is a movement. Artists rehearse or perform, workshops are constantly hard at work on scenery and costumes. All workshops are designed so that any visitor passing by to see or even participate in creating the sets, costumes and other scenic attributes.
the meandering route takes us via the various learning spaces that are formed by groups with outdoor areas between them to rest. The constructive solution allows you to create a comfortable environment for learning - the lower level is fully ventilated, the roof is multi-layered, leading the heat with petals on the sides, creating shading and privacy. In the centre of the ensemble is a small amphitheatre with a stage.

Technical information

When placing buildings used the traditional principle of urban settlements of Africa with houses gathered around a shared open courtyard and one space seamlessly flows into another.

Zone SHOW includes:
1. The internal amphitheater
2. Space for creativity and conviviality
3. A shopping area with advertisements and signs, with a place for temporary stalls
4. shopping area
5. Shopping area for concert visitors
6. points of sale for tickets
7. Passage
8. Space to relax with seats

Zone WORK includes:
1. The backstage (male)
2. The backstage (female)
3. Bathroom and shower
4. Additional backstage for guests
5. A room for technicians
6. The stage
7. An open terrace with access to the open air
8. A room for construction and storage for stage sets
9. a room and workshop for repair and storage of technical equipment
10. A sewing workshop
11. A room for technicians
12. A meeting room with a kitchenette
13. A garage parking

Zone LABO includes:
1. 1 st level - an archive room
2 st level - a music recording studio, a video editing room
2. recreation spaces
3. Educational spaces
4. WC and technical room
5. 1 st level - co-working and lecture space
2 st level - studio photo studio
6. 1 st level - co-working space
2 st level - a modular media room
7.the backstage
8. amphitheater with a stage


Aleksandr Shadrin, Adelinа Abdullina, Ilnar Akhtiamov and Rezeda Akhtiamova

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